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Print & Paste Dungeon textures: Chests & Crates
Publisher: Crooked Staff Publishing
by Ceazar C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/17/2024 09:58:28

Excellent quality as usual. I made a set of these years back and in all that time they still look great and are as sturdy as the day I got them. Defintely work throwing down a few bucks when you have the cash to spare to support an excellent creator putting out great things for free!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Print & Paste Dungeon textures: Chests & Crates
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Dueling Fops of Vindamere
Publisher: Crankshaft Constellation
by Ceazar [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/01/2024 21:05:30

This is a polished gem of a game that is so simple to run that I think anyone could have fun with it. It relies heavily on procedures which are outlined well in the main book, and the central premise of following gentry sword masters and their beloveds over a single social season keeps the pacing tight and fun!

The variety of randomly rolled beloveds and possible scenes ensures a strong amount of replay value even if the same group comes back to run several one-shots.

The humor and writing are also suburb and had several of my player joyously reciting favorite lines that they encountered over the session.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dueling Fops of Vindamere
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Star Scoundrels
Publisher: Peril Planet
by Ceazar [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2024 15:06:58

Fantastic iteration of the "Action Tales" system right here. Great for one shots, and short to medium sized campaigns. With a setting like space opera, I appreciate a game that is easy to hack and design for and no system I've encountered is as intuitive and hassle free as "Action Tales". The star ship rules are also a simple and welcome addition. Highly recommend seeking out Nathan Russell's other games!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Star Scoundrels
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Chasing Adventure Full Version
Publisher: Smore Productions
by Ceazar [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/03/2024 22:16:33

Have been greatly enjoying Chasing Adventure, and I plan on playing it a lot more. I love the flavor of the classes and the strategic departures from Dungeon World with conditions. The amount of optional rules and advise for running open tables is great. Character creation is a breeze and the bones are strong enough that you could easily flavor it for all types of fantasy settings. The casting systems for clerics and wizards are great as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Chasing Adventure Full Version
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Swords of the Serpentine
Publisher: Pelgrane Press
by Ceazar C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/14/2023 23:23:00

I'd only ever played a single one shot of a GUMSHOE game prior to picking this up (Night's Black Agents), and found the system to not be to my liking, but oh man has Swords of the Serpentine turned me around. This is one of few systems that I actually think I'm more excited to run rather than play, cause of how much excellent guidance is packed into this book. The adversary creation system is robust enough to handle a ton of ideas, and the implimentation of traditional and social combat is really exciting for fast but meaningful conflict. As someone who runs a lot of one-on-one and two player parties, I love the attention payed to scaling character power levels, and the freeform magic. Eversink as a seting is wonderfully fleshed and feels fresh as someone who has been playing RPGs for over a decade at this point.

I can also see the base of this system being easily hacked to run more traditional D&D fantasy, but if you're a sword and sorcery fan, this is perfect as is. I'd love to see this system get all the love in the world, expansions, more adventures, further setting books!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Swords of the Serpentine
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Coriolis: Kawun Freighter
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Ceazar [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2022 14:34:56

Excellent art and layouts which alone are great to have and can be used for any game system. The ship's lore and stats are excellent. Great product!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Coriolis: Kawun Freighter
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