The World of Adventure series is a great Pay What You Want series of various worlds to adventure in and to inspire other games. Master of Umdaar is one of my favorite, reminiscient of the fantasy / future cartoons of the 80s. This is certainly one of the best worlds created though I recommend all of them.
Havenshield is an very interesting and well described fantasy world. Grab this while it's free and you'll get numerous books that cover this RPG in great detail. Even if it's just for inspiration, this bundle is definitely worth getting.
Great description of the Races, Classes and world of Choe Pho, which seems inspired by the orient. I can't wait for more books to come out.
Tales of a GM is a blog that's always filled with neat tidbits, amusing anecdotes and helpful advice for a variety of games, both general and specific. I missed a few of these articles so I'm especially happy to have gotten this.
This is a Preview for a very interesting time travel setting. It definitely gives you enough information to decide whether you want to get more. Worth picking up just to see if it's something that might interest you.
A unique game that gives each player two characters, one human, the other Fae and then all the characters interact with each other. I haven't gotten a chance to try it out yet but I'm eager to since the concept is novel and representation of the fae is very reminiscient of fairy tales of mischevious fairies.
This PWYW product is a work in progress, but even so there's already incredible detail about the physical aspects of the planet as well as details of the magical aspects of the world itself. Links in the .pdf give access to updates for specifics and I'm eager to keep an eye on changes that will lead to a fantastic result.
A 5e update of the old Immortals setting, this does a good job of capturing the flavor of the not-well recieved original. I may be biased because I've always had a fondness for settings that weren't overly popular (I still am running a Spelljammer campaign and a Planescape campaign on and off) but given that this is PWYW, there's no harm in checking it out for whatever you can afford at the time.
This is a 32 page overveiw of a fun combat heavy fantasy setting. If you have an interest in a well written, fleshed out setting where you spend most of your time killing things before they kill you to a heavy metal soundtrack then check this out to see if you want more.
Eldoria is a very interesting game setting and though the free Player's Concise Eldoria just touches on the main features of the setting in broad terms, it's a great primer and certainly enough to let you decide for yourself if you're interested in reading more. Included in this product are links to the Encylopedia Eldoria as well as other online resources so that interested parties can learn more. This product is definitely worth taking a look at as the Eldoria setting is obviously a well detailed and interesting place to adventure.
A interesting introduction and overview of an upcoming fantasy game setting. Definitely worth grabbing for free to see if you'd like to get the final product.
A concise collection of real world places with legends associated with them. This suppliment describes them each in detail adding adventure hook ideas. If you're running a game set on Earth that involves travel to exotic locales, this is a great little pdf to own.
Very interesting full game with inexpensive suppliments coming out rapidly. Definitely worth picking up if you're interested at all in a Wuxia genre type game.
Just tried it out and it's definitely a fun game. Thanks!
If you've been wondering what was going on with the World of Darkness, this will answer all your questions. It makes me excited about the future of a gaming World I had thought all worn out.