RMH-EP-01 The Grand Masquerade |
$14.99 |
Average Rating:4.4 / 5 |
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The adventure is fun, thematic and has the potential to be really cool. However it was originally written to be used at a convention and the means given to translate this to a signle-table, single-party adventure are clunky and leave as many questions as answers.
Worth running, but will require work by a DM. Great handouts, and the atmosphere make that work worth doing.
This adventure sufficiently showed the kind of vibe that RMH as a campaign has to offer
the mechanics for the epic were nicely crafted - and showed how getting information points to where to find Radaga
There was also sufficient foreshadowing of the darker tones of RMH with the appearance of the crawling hand
I would have liked for there to be more chances for fighting in this one though, as a completely RP oriented epic felt like it was too much
Overall, enjoyed the adventure
Please don't give up on this project! Great work! We want more!
A Grand Adventure!
I ran this as a 3 hour introduction to Mist Hunters at PAX Aus Online for two groups of five players each at this Australian event. Many of the players had not played Adventurers League before and some had not played D&D before. So not only was this an introduction to the Mist Hunters campaign, it was also a much broader introduction for some of these players! It was a perfect introduction in my view both because I enjoy the setting and the style of adventure, but also because of the setting and the challenges within. I feel that this adventure would suit new players more than most modules I have seen previously including my own adventures I have written. I ran A Rat's Tale at PAX Aus 2019 at an in person event, and this module has a similar feel in some respects. That was also a good adventure to run for beginners. Furthermore, this adventure is ideal for online gaming, offering the potential for both theatre of mind style of play, and digital content as well through your VTT (though some research and preparation is required for a more multi-media intense game).
How did I run it?
- I created pre-generated characters for the players to choose from. No messing around with character generation, no discussions over what characters you can bring. Just pick a character and begin the game. I used all the character options in the hardcover book for these pre-gens. I gave each character a background, personality and reason for being in the setting. I included relevant art for each character.
- I used Tarokka Deck cards at the start as inspiration tokens, and yes I awerded DM inspiration to all the players at the start. If it's an exciting game, players will be desperate to use their inspiration and having that option there, especially for new players adds something to the game.
- I omitted faux pas rules and the NPC Basil.
- Players needed to find three clues in part 1, then visit only 1 location in part 2. Then part 3 can be run to fit in whatever time you have left.
- I used Lines and Veils at the start of the adventure to set expecatations. This means players know to expect some horror, and they play an active part in choosing how much horror they will experience.
- I used Stars and Wishes at the end of the game. This provides a more satisfying complete game experience. I needed a few minutes after the game to do this, but all the players were able to participate. This was the best opportunity to receive feedback and understand how the players experienced the game. I highly recommend this approach to generate a more positive experience for both you and your players.
- I omitted level ups.
- I used maps, art and audio tracks as much as possible (including art by @bird#7653). I created additional PDFs including Alanik's letter and the invitation.
- I provided an X card tool and the safety kit.
What did I like about it?
- I very much like the setting. I haven't read or played any of the other MH adventures. Until I ran this adventure, I struggled to see how I could engage with this setting, but now that I have enjoyed the experience so much, I really can't wait to run the rest of the games of this campaign. I like the hardcover book, I think it crosses so many aspects of the game, that it is very useful and engaging for the DM. I often think of Doctor Who when planning and preparing for this setting, and that inspires both the horror and the comedy aspects of the game. I feel the setting information available in the hardcover complements the DDAL game very well, unlike experiences in other DDAL campaigns which at times have felt jarringly awkward alongside the hardcover books.
- The role playing theme of the grand masquerade is delightful and enjoyable. I much prefer this style of game to the "keep hitting the 1000 hit point boss till he dies" style of game.
- I like that it leads into the next adventure. The players enjoy this plot hook and are looking forward to getting a chance to play the game again to discover the next chapter. It's a great cliffhanger and "page turner".
- I like the MH campaign rules for DDAL. I've always wanted to play in the Eberron campaign, but never had a chance to. This setting with its more flexible rules has provided me with the opportunity to discover a more immersive setting.
What else would I like to see?
- Optional rules for Tarokka deck cards to be used within DDAL games, and not just in character generation.
- More adventures like this in DDAL!
- The option to contribute DDAL adventures for this campaign.
A note about comedy:
In the hardcover, I really dislike the note on page 14 which advises to limit comedy. Don't do this. Instead refer to page 9, where the "Cultivating Hope" sidebar refers to "moments of relief, comedy and fortuitous coincidences." While everyone's style varies, I feel that the latter approach is in my experience the one that will lead to more enjoyable and satisfying D&D.
Good evening.
I was the organizer for this event at a local convention this weekend. I had read it and thought that there would be some challenges. If you are running this epic, try to do it before you run the other adventures. It sets the plot into motion, the players are already in receipt of information that completes the epic's premise and is useful moving forward through the other adventures. Everyone did enjoy the faux paus. Creating them was a highlight for most players. Your combat-centric players may find the masquerade unfulfilling, but Part's Two and Three do provide some moments to sate their desires. The timing was good. We tapped the side of glass instead of a bell, but it worked. Our players even asked for the NPCs to make more that one appearance at a table- It worked for our convention, but I can see how that might be a challenge for bigger cons. Keep that in mind if you are running foe a larger convention.
Content wise, everything seemed to be there for an admin and NPC volunteers is needed to run it--I'm not a "what if?"-er, so I wasn't actively looking for solutions to every situation that might happen based on the narratives. It provides enough. The handouts were great!; however, the reading the tea leaves at the Moth Orchid Tea House seemed more of a time sink than anything. My DMs either avoided the teahouse or did not present the Tea Leaves Interaction if the players went to it. If you have DMs that can explain the concept of the Tea Leaf Reading to players without taking too much time up, it could be enjoyable.
The admin team had alot of fun presenting the interaction and the general feel from the DMs and players was that it was an enjoyable sleuth. It was neat to see the players eyes light up when they gained a level. I even heard some players at a table say, "We gained a level and we didn't kill anything?". They seemed surprised. But I understand that Ravenloft: MistHunters focus is on more social and exploration pillars. Players should still find enjoyment for this epic and if they are taking notes, they actually learn more about about the Domain of Dread that the epic takes place in--that could be helpful further down the road. Its a straightforward epic adventure and provides some well-fleshed out NPCs.
- This adventure takes characters from 1st to 3rd level
- The formating is better than earlier Adventure League material
- Good guidance for DMs who may be wary of running more social-encounter focused sessions
- 43 pages pf content with lots of handouts and some exciting art
- An anti-climactic ending that really begs the adventure to continue; could be a tough sell as a one-shot
- I can be something of a mental spaz, but I ended up reading this whole adventure through. Great setting and some fun constraints, compelling plot makes the ending that much more of a let down
Ran this for my AL "table" of 7 players on Roll20. Giving it 4 out of 5 stars for two reasons:
- I had to do a lot of image work to get maps and tokens for my players, some of whom are incapable of theatre of the mind
- My roleplay-adept players loved it, but it was a combat-free adventure, as they avoided the library, so my combat-focused players had less fun.
As a DM, I really enjoyed it, especially setting a tone that was refreshing.