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DC-POA-EBAL-TT1 Bru in Trouble Pay What You Want
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DC-POA-EBAL-TT1 Bru in Trouble
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DC-POA-EBAL-TT1 Bru in Trouble
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ander T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2022 00:12:05

I'm actually disappointed that this adventure never got the promised follow up adventures. There's a good core idea in there. The subterfuge is well laid out, and it leaves a perfectly plausible reason for a party, like mine, to get the wrong idea about the culprit.

My table had great fun playing it last weekend, but it was not the easiest thing to DM. Fortunately, there was an appendix with a tracking table for the drinking game, and a player handout for the same game. Those were indispensable. The rest of it, unfortunately, was not nearly as DM friendly. The biggest problem was that it was very wordy. The opening scene in the tavern dumps characters like a Jane Austen dance, and that forces the writing to spread out so far that it's harder to run while flipping and hunting through pages constantly. Yes, I highlighted certain character names, but it doesn't help when you have six or eight pages in the tavern. The drinking game itself was a little tricky to run, but the handouts were a huge help.

I had to streamline it pretty severly to get done on schedule at the FLGS, but everyone still enjoyed it. It went much better than I thought it would.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was my first crack at a dungeoncraft mod and my ambition exceeded my available time. I honestly never expected anyone but me and maybe a friend to run it, so I'm really glad to hear you did! If I can, I plan to write the follow up mods for the current season (going to the Feywild domain of the Frost Prince) and the next season, Spelljammer voyage to the domain of a cosmic horror... but my writing time is like half an hour in the mornings when I'm lucky so I tend to plan more than I execute! Good notes on the writing, it is a tough transition sometimes for fiction writers to make rpg mods because it's such a different medium! Hopefully if I do get to those followups they'll be a little tighter (currently working on a different mod for my Witchlight players to play when they're done with that campaign)
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