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Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby Pay What You Want
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Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby
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Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby
Publisher: Cat Tale Press
by Sean H. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 07/31/2021 20:26:55

Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby, which details six new races, all of which are animals.  But it never defines if they are anthropomorphic (human-like) or actual intelligent animals as it does make a rather big difference.  Oddly, none have speeds listed, so can the crow and owl fly?  All have natural weapons, sometime exceedingly good weapons  The Cat is much as one would expect and a killing machine with 2d4(!) claws.  That needs to be scaled back but the fact that they can use their claws as thieves' tools, perfect!  The Donkey tough and capable of carrying great weights, they have a vicious kick which they cannot use while carrying a shield implying anthmorphism perhaps?  Giant Owl, wise and powerful, with 2d6(!!) talons and a fear causing screech!  Very powerful combo, both need to be scaled back for playability, but good potential.  Hound, as as you would expect, with pack tactics (always useful) as an ability, though their Canine Obedience ability which (potentially) forces others to obey them is an interesting call.  Raven is a trickster, as one might expect, and could be fun in the right hands.  Lastly, Rooster, which has a inspiring call which recharges at dawn (thematic) and a natural feather fall which also recharges at dawn(?), certainly that should be after a short rest.  Good potential and great ideas, but they need to be expanded and clarified before they can really shine.

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[4 of 5 Stars!]
Animal Races in the Kingdom of Grimsby
Publisher: Cat Tale Press
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2021 20:14:46

The Demo Book (9 pages) is a fun free adventure for Animal Adventures: The Faraway Sea. You will use D&D 5th edition to play it. You will need some animal characters. For this, I used Animal Races in The Kingdom of Grimsby. It is free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG and contains six characters races (hound, rooster, raven, cat, owl, and donkey). I used one of each. The solo engine that I used was CRGE, Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). The adventure is at the attached website. It is a kickstarter, so you will see advertising.

For this adventure, the problem is Pooke the goblin chieftain. A cursed mask has turned him into the ultimate villain. The adventurers could tell that the quest giver (Snippy the CHIHUAHUA) did not want to come along, but they did not give him that opportunity. There were goblins to deal with and some nasty terrain. The donkey could not get across the gorge, so he ended up being captured and imprisoned in Skullcano. The rogue character (cat) did not see a trapped doorway and was wounded. The barbarian (hound) took most of the combat damage. The sorcerer (owl) took out the villain with a spell casting duel. Immediately, the Skullcano started to collapse. There was not time to pick up the cursed mask or look for their friend (donkey). Some of the adventurers did take damage from falling rocks, but the remaining five (plus Snippy) did make it back to the village. They had a funeral service for donkey and then they had a quiet evening of fishing. It was the cat’s idea. Maybe you will have better luck.

      • The Demo Book contains the stats for one NPC, stats for four enemies, but there is no map.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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