The first half has a great open framework for roleplay. The group filled a full four-hour session nicely because I let them explore and work for their quest hook(s). The combats at the end were interesting, though the magic item probably would have trivialized the end if it had been found. Not that that's a bad thing.
My only complaint is a lack of scaling advice. I had to wing it for a weak party, but it worked out.
I'm purchasing a different adventure to support this author because this one is only free.
Edit: Since I doubt there will ever be updated scaling, here's my advice with semi-spoilers:
1) Very Strong: Not possible in T1, since the APL is 4.
2) Strong: Run as is.
3) Average: Run as is, don't recharge the devestating Magen spell.
4) Weak: Pick two Magens, not three, depending on party composition and skill. The third is accompanying Graybill.
5) Very weak: Pick one Magen of appropriate CR. Don't fireball the party.
I ran it a second time, and the magic item really changed the tone of the last area. The last creature had to rely on improvised attacks to even be involved, but it was fun.