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OP42 - Bell Tower Bravery
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OP42 - Bell Tower Bravery
Publisher: Adventures in Filbar
by Andrea M. M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2021 14:35:56

A nice adaption of The Hunchback of Notre Dame for 1 player. I plan to use it as a screening/introduction adventure for future players who are interested in my gaming style, my home-developped rules and world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Thank you, we are thrilled you enjoyed it!!
OP42 - Bell Tower Bravery
Publisher: Adventures in Filbar
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/05/2021 00:52:15

Recently I soloed my way through this one page adventure for Fifth Edition D&D. The RPG system I used was Picture This!. It is available at DriveThruRPG. It is only one page of rules so you do need to fill in the "holes" (example - no stats on a devil). I had better explain more about Picture This! The rules state that you download five images for your phone which become spells. I am not a "phone" guy. I am old school. So, I used five random Magic the Gathering cards which had a mana cost of three or less. This worked great! I have decided that the character levels in the game will at least be one to twenty, so I now have to come up with the rules for character advancement . . . I used the solo engine that I have been testing out so that I could solo my way through this. My fire wizard used Pestilent Haze to avoid a missile attack, he used Molten Blast for his missile attack, he sent demon number one at the monster (the demon fell off the tower), and then demon number two. They grappled and then both of them fell off the tower to their deaths. My wizard even explored the basement of the tower (he got sick down there and had to go to a healer). So, this is a fun two hour adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for the review, we are thrilled you enjoyed it!
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