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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter! $7.00
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
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Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
Publisher: Modiphius
by kristine y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/11/2021 22:40:11

This product is 28 pages long and is set in Illinois, USA July 4, 1943. The adventure can be placed at another time but is intended to be in the USA. Can be used for a new or existing group and played in one game session. Includes a map of the stadium. Also has some handouts for players. One nice thing in this adventure is some historical info on baseball during the war with womens baseball leagues. The adventure events are done by each inn of the game.
A new pc group might have trouble with this adventure since it happens not in a war zone. It is a nice change of pace adventure, being out of a war zone and back on the homefront. Due to the page count I think this should have been a five dollar adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
Publisher: Modiphius
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2021 07:55:32

Baseball instead of battles - a Mephisto review

Seventh-Inning Slaughter

Far away from the action of war in Europe, Seventh-Inning Slaughter takes the player characters to a seemingly peaceful place. The scenario is based on a baseball game of the American women's league, which the president himself attends as a spectator on the occasion of Independence Day. But of course, this scenario quickly becomes a deadly danger because stranger and stranger incidents happen during the rounds of the baseball game. In the end, the goal is to stop a deadly threat that will otherwise endanger the president and the safety of America.

Seventh-Inning Slaughter offers some pre-made characters that can be used if the game master wants to involve the players more in the baseball scenario to participate in the game itself. Round by round, the game is described as it unfolds with or without the players' intervention. Also, which each round, more mysterious and later threatening things happen. In the end, the player characters must stop a dangerous ritual if the whole thing is not to end in disaster.

While Seventh-Inning Slaughter offers some good ideas, the overall adventure did not quite convince me - perhaps because I lack any connection to baseball. While the challenges in the individual rounds are interesting, they do not make much sense to me in the context of the entire adventure. On the other hand, the finale seems a bit extreme when a member of the Black Sun tries to underline his importance with a terrorist-motivated ritual.

(Björn Lippold)

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Seventh-Inning Slaughter!
Publisher: Modiphius
by Ben S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/18/2021 08:31:30

I really enjoyed this Achtung! Cthulhu module as one that's refreshingly different. Instead of getting sent off on a serious misson, the players are just out enjoying a baseball game when evil comes to them. There's also the option of playing a baseball player if you're so inclined and it's a great way to either start a campaign or even introduce new players into the game. There's a nice looking handout advertising the baseball game as well. All in all it's a fun well thought out adventure!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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