Solitari (46 pages) is a strange adventure for Whitefrank. I decided to use a U.S. city in the year 1959 as the backdrop. The RPG system I used was Suited Free Sample Edition (22 pages/free at DriveThruRPG) and its supplement Fight the Zombiearchy. I did use the Solo Investigator’s Handbook to solo this adventure. I started with five female PCs who started their own club - Save the World With Pumps (shoes and shotguns). They meet one evening a week at the local diner. It is here that they discuss Gabby’s visions (she is a clairvoyant) and they try to decide if it is a true quest or a bit of undigested beef.
One night at the meeting they notice some strange things going on. They follow the “odd” person and end up exploring an underground area and further in, they run into the diety Heket. They have an interesting conversation with her, and then go back up to get their weapons out of the car. The weapons come in handy against the three foot long rat when they get back down there. Later, they find a puzzle box and then Gabby has a vision of Wilma finding her soulmate down here. On the second day during the daylight hours, Oleander opens a shrine to Heket in a downtown back alley intersection. She gains several new members. That evening the club members go back down and find a gibbering mouther. They kill it. They also notice that there are more tunnels and rooms down here. Next, they find an opium den. Later, Wilma finds her soulmate Rick. On the third day, Oleander gets more members for her shrine. When the team go down later that night (with Rick) they get attacked by a Viking. Three members of the team are badly wounded, but they do kill the Viking. On the fourth day they sell Viking stuff, rest, and heal. On the fifth day they explore and find a diner waitress, cook, a prison cell, and glowing rocks (which they collect). On the sixth day Oleander and her shrine members are attacked by masked men yelling, “Kill the cultists!” Most of the members are captured, doused with gasoline, and set fire. Oleander escapes and reports back to Heket. Dark green clouds form over the city. Pregnant women give birth to frogs. Gabby has a symbolic vision warning her of danger. They all hide together at Bernice’s place. That evening the masked group attacks the dungeon. Gabby gets a phone call. Men in Black have been seen in the city. On the seventh day, soldiers destroy the dungeon.
So, I wonder, who are the bad guys? The PCs will now have time to check out the puzzle box. What could go wrong?