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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules $24.99
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
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Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Viet T. T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2022 08:57:11

If you want to play something like Dungeons & Dragons with Savage Worlds system, this is the closed thing you could get. Come with all the rules and ready to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Pascal W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/14/2022 06:02:41

very clean nice ruleset. perfekt conversion. love it

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Stuart S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2022 14:49:57

A great conversion - the setting feel is 100% there and it most definitely carries the Fast, Furious, and Fun aspect of Savage Worlds. I have been a longtime player of Pathfinder and after trying this out, I'm a now true believer in the Savage Wrolds system. It's been qa blast to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Paul B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2022 20:45:24

This rule set conversion is a godsend. Pathfinder started as a continuation of a system I loved. And it's why we all loved it. I was heart broken and fearful at the release of Pathfinder 2. Most did not enjoy it, and it made me worry that Golarion might vanish, as well as things like the alchemist and magus.

This ruleset feels like the natural continuation of pathfinder. With fixes for things like multiclassing spellcasting classes, level of efficacy, and archetype mazes, this is the place I made the characters I want and we tell the stories each session of the legendary acts we've performed in previous sessions. And because new settings and addendums come out for Savage Worlds all the time, I know the system has a place for a long time. I'm hooked on this new path for pathfinder.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/14/2021 17:11:13

The hardest thing about one of these type of books is deciding where to not use normal Savage Worlds. Also is it a stand alone product or not. In this case they went with a stand alone product with class opt in. This means your normal Savage World character can adventure with the Fighter and everything still works. I think this is the best way you could have handled this. I also prefer a reprint of the rules to having to carry multiple books around as long as the books to get too large. If your wanting to play some D&D style games using Savage Worlds this book is for you.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Core Rules
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Yan N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/28/2021 04:54:25

Finally a way to live some adventures in Golarion without spending hours in the boring fights created by the original Pathfinder system. The book is promising and the class edges are perfect to emulate the usual classes quickly. The transposition is of course not perfect though, so better warn your players that if your group decide to switch to SW, you'll have a little bit of changes here and there. Otherwise, the book is pretty, well written, you don't need the SWADE rulebook to start an adventure. One or two (subjective) regrets though : the bestiary is very thin, no Chimera, no Hydra, only the basic of the basics (you'll need the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary for more) and the iconic classes as the Summoner or the Magus are not included. But if your group is used to the terrible "I miss ... He misses ... I miss again .. He hits, 7 damage, 54 hit points left.", the SW adaptation can bring a very refreshing dynamism and energy to your fights scenes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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