The Twisted Stave issue #1 is a fun magazine for 5th edition D & D (24 pages/free at DriveThruRPG). It contains a dungeon (14 pages), a random commoners chart (3 pages), and a puzzle encounter (3 pages). I put my five second level goblins from the magic carnival into this adventure. The system I used was Goblins Grabbed My Dice (I did change the combat system). To solo it, I used The Dungeon Oracle by Paul Bimler. This abandoned temple was designed to be infested with kobolds. However, the Dungeon Oracle transformed this into a bandit hideout. Orfus the warrior goblin was knocked out five times. It is hard to keep a good goblin down. Well, maybe he is not so good. Miles the warlock took out the bandit leader (a wizard) with a wizard duel. The last battle was a nail biter. Three of the goblins had been knocked out and Miles and the priest were still standing. Miles took out the bandit with a sleep spell. At this point they had had enough (they had explored 68% of the dungeon), and they got the heck out of there. They did have some gold treasure that they had found. Maybe you will be able to explore all of it. Note – the dungeon has 16 rooms and the magazine does include two stat blocks. Give this a try!