This was my first scenario I ran for our newly put together Achtung! Cthulhu group, cobbled together from a couple of seasoned Call of Cthulhu players and 5e players trying something different.
Call of Cthulhu players will find the first part familiar as there is some good investigative work to be done gathering clues for what is going on. My 5e players liked the rollicking combat. I created my own "battlemap" so I could keep the layout straight in my head and as we use Foundry it gives my visual players who are used to maps something to look at.
The only thing I wasn't so keen on was keeping straight so many NPCs in combat with the multiple sides - felt like the ratio of player to enemy action was a bit off. In the end I pared that back quite a bit.
Overall it was a fun romp and appealing enough I had no trouble enticing the players to have another go at a different scenario. Thanks for the fun!