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Murder at the Three Swords Inn $2.00
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Murder at the Three Swords Inn
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Murder at the Three Swords Inn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sergey F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2024 10:06:48

1) The culprit is obvious 2) No interesting suspects 3) Good clue puzzle - But with no clue found it's almost impossible to solve the crime (and with the clue everything is obvious again)

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Murder at the Three Swords Inn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Loira W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/06/2022 18:53:39

I enjoyed running this. I hadn’t done a proper intrigue session before where I had the motivations and secrets of multiple NPCs to manage. At first, I was worried about finding this overwhelming, and fretted over whether I would be able to keep everyone’s facts straight. I knew it was important not to mix up information as if I did it could lead to players and PCs being confused and no longer knowing what was going on / getting off-track. I want my players to succeed, so if they had failed because I wasn’t clear, I would have taken that as a failure on my part.

The various red herrings presented were incredibly effective in giving the PCs other avenues to explore and suspects to consider. They all found the actual murder to be suspicious at first, and I’m glad that they decided to dig in and investigate rather than go with their gut! One of the PCs is a physician and so she wanted to do an examination of the murderer’s foot because they seemed injured, the murderer refused, and it was only after their guilt was revealed that the Player went “THAT’S why X didn’t want to examine it!!” which was very satisfying.

I do think this adventure is better suited to smaller groups - running this with a group of eight would have been challenging to manage, and I imagine also would have made it a much shorter encounter. If being used in a party situation, I would suggest running it with PCs who already know one another - it makes for a great interlude on those nights where you’re missing one or more people, and while it can be used as a stand-alone session, there is also the option to have it tie into other goings-on in the city!

If you have the option to either print out the NPC cards, or have them up on a second screen for easy reference, I recommend doing that - I wasn’t running from my usual setup and think my biggest challenge was keeping track of their motivations and secrets. Cannot stress enough how much I enjoyed how the NPCs all tied into this story and how they were almost all being shady about something - it really added to the intrigue of this adventure.

In short: the NPCs and their intrigue add a lot to this adventure and leaning into that makes it even more fun to run. If you’re looking for a mystery to solve when someone is absent, or a game for afternoon play, give this one a look - you can’t go wrong!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for leaving such a kind review! I'm glad you enjoyed the npcs and the intrigue. And thank you for playing!
Murder at the Three Swords Inn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jennifer M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2022 21:20:45

This game was well written and was very fun to run for my players. The game heavily relies on roleplay, which I love and there was still to possility of combat. I pesrsonally enjoyed the game and found it exciting and it took about 2 and a half hours to complete. It is a great piece to add to an exisiting campaign or run on its own. The NPC dossier provided was well created and an amazing tool for DM's to use while running the game. I highly recommend this game!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed this adventure and that your players have fun and I'm very grateful you took the time to let me know you enjoyed the game.
Murder at the Three Swords Inn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/16/2021 04:04:45

Murder at the Three Swords Inn (18 pages) is an interesting murder mystery for the fifth edition of D&D available at Dungeon Masters Guild. It is for a dungeon masters and several players. The RPG system that I used was D&D 3.5. The solo engine that I used was Perilous Intersections. I used five characters for this adventure. The adventure starts off with my detective receiving a message from another detective. They are to meet him at the inn. When the adventuring party gets there, he is dead. Three of the PCs stay on the first floor and question the customers and workers. The detective and witch search the dead detective’s room. They find a coded message, an unknown drug, other clues, and a pair of woman’s shoes. The witch has the cat smell the shoes, and the cat leads them down the stairs to Avesta who works in this inn. She gives them some leads, but it is obvious to them that she is hiding something. They try persuasion and intimidation with no luck. Next, they go to the apothecary and get more information on the drug. After that, they go to the mausoleum where the smugglers have their base. The detective is convinced that the murderer is one of these smugglers. There is a big battle with the smugglers and the paladin drops when his hit points reach zero. The smugglers are all killed, the paladins is partially healed, and the PCs gather up the loot and the big stash of drugs. They report to the officer of the Guard. They give him the coded message, what it really says (the solution), the contraband, and the location of the smuggler’s base. He asks if the smugglers are dead. The witch says that they were bleeding and not moving. He mumbles about pressing charges, gathers his men, and heads toward the base. The PCs decide it is time to leave town. Give this a try!

Note - There are two handouts, 2 stat blocks, info on 6 NPCs, and no maps.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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