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Twilight: 2000 4th Edition Core Set
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Jim J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/04/2021 01:23:14

We have been playing once a week now for close to six months and the group is enjoying the game. Is the game light on crunch, a little, but we spend the extra time we weren’t doing math on role playing. We have had plenty of combat with and without the hexes and used 15mm and 28mm miniatures to resolve combat. We have also used the hex crawl mechanic and random encounter cards on our way to Krakow. The travel and survival aspect of the game really adds a new dimension for the players. It puts a lot of pressure on characters. Do you eat, sleep or take from someone else. The highlight of the game so far was the group deciding if they stay and help a town or keep moving.
Production values are top notch and the map is awesome. Several of the characters have top skills like D12s but once I add in a few modifiers it becomes harder for them to do things.
If you are new to the T2K world don’t hesitate to dig into some of the old material for adventure ideas and world building. Does 4th have everything, no, but it has more than enough to create a unique gaming experience without trying to figure out how much body combat damage Bobbi Lee will do.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Twilight: 2000 4th Edition Core Set
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