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Ghost Ops - A Modern Day Covert Ops RPG
Publisher: Broken Rat Games
by Timothy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/30/2024 05:55:47

I would give this four or five stars, but the stuff that is bad is like confusingly bad. A lot of these rules are very reasonable and I was suggested this game for solo play when I want to run more games than my one or two a week.

The rules for items are kinda spread out in a very confusing way. I've gone over those sections at least three times and I'm still puzzled. I can't remember if things are explained or given stats on one place or another.

Most weapons are a name, an attachment or ability, a caliber, and a price. I've played games with half as many pages and yet they had a much clearer idea Of having weapons have a mechanical purpose.

Right now expensive stuff is cheap, cheap stuff is expensive. Weapons that should have folding stocks don't, while almost identical guns have folding stocks somehow. I can't see why you shouldn't just use the largest caliber possible.

My players are puzzled by how expensive the vehicles are and how cheap the upgrades are.

There is lots of armor that mechanically is the same and doesn't have enough description to make you pick one over another. Its an unhappy medium of wasted space and lack of reason to care.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Ghost Ops - A Modern Day Covert Ops RPG
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KONTRABAND - More Salvage and Survival
Publisher: P. Todoroff CCWC
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/17/2022 23:03:14

Suppliment adds solo/co-op play, along with the possibility of playing as a team of crack STALKERs or Scientists. This is along with everything else listed in the description.

Would be 5 and a half stars if Zona Alfa finally had all the stuff featured in both series, in the game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
KONTRABAND - More Salvage and Survival
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The Writer's Guide to Weapons
Publisher: F+W Media
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/17/2019 01:37:39

How does a book written by someone with firearms experiance; who watches youtube videos and reads firearms magazines; give such bad infomation?

He brings in another guy to explain that describing guns wrong can make readers angry, but then he repeatively gets things hiliariously wrong just 10% into the book.

How does he know that chokes effect the spread of a shotgun, and then thinks cutting the barrel does the same thing? Why does he think that you want pellets to spin?

I don't see anything going on about just how loud firearms are, or how people can hear them from miles away....

Why is this sold in such clunky formats? The size of the text and the shape is just so weird, I have so few words on each page.


Why is the difference between double action and single action 61% into the book in the myths section? Why is the myths section not the first thing you find in the book?

"Because of their simple design, revolvers are considered more reliable than their pistol counterparts."

Revolvers are seriously more complicated, that's why they tend to cost more.

Why does this act like JHP explode and FMJ's hold together? I only know one round that fragments, and that is 55 grain M193, which is FMJ. JHPs are designed to open up like flowers and spread out, they are not meant to fragment.


TLDR; Book is clunky to read due to format, it spreads infomation that people in high school with some time on youtube would know is false, and when it comes down on myths; it explains them like you are five and the myths are something only people scared of guns and who have never seen a video game; would believe.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The Writer's Guide to Weapons
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Index PMCs
Publisher: Dark Tentacle
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2019 03:54:49

Interesting product, looks nice, but I find it kinda odd that few of the PMCs seem to have large numbers, considering that so many real world PMCs hire large groups of veterns from Africa or other parts of the Third World, mostly for guard duty or as support staff.

Considering that PMCs are mostly needed when they are serious plot points, that means it's helpful if some of the PMCs have very serious numbers, so they can assist or be the foundation of securing or maintaining the security of a nation.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Index PMCs
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Creator Reply:
Sorry you were not completely satisfied. Of the world's nine largest PMCs only six of them have personnel numbering higher than 1,200 (the largest company presented in the book). Nation stabilization/ regime building tends to be done by only a few companies which in turn also tend to have lower recruitment standards to meet the numbers required for those contracts. Being that those numbers are mostly contract personnel as well, they have no requirement to report their actual employee count (hence me using the term "reported personnel, to allow GMs to inflate those numbers) and that also makes it tough to nail down the actual number of people working for a PMC outside of their permanent staff.
Weapons for Life
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/04/2018 17:41:00

You do not encourage the practice of christianity in any way.... da fuck? Did the writer thing that 99% of America is Athiest or something?

You despise the "Pro-Life Movement"? So anyone who is remotely upset about abortion, is despicable?

You do understand half the country voted for Trump right?

The first few pages has the author talking shit about 50% or more of the country, very bad move, not professonal at all.

The end result is nothing like the writing of those other two groups, and THE SPACE MARINES ARE NOT THE BAD GUYS! The Space Marines fight things that want to kill or rape people, they aren't in any way connected to the secret police, church, or any of that.


Why is the "Lifer Army of God" full of non-humans? You made a faction of strawmen who hate technology, then made a bunch of them not human. There are christian fundimentalist in this world, they are the minority, and they HATE TECHNOLOGY. Everything is a "Affont to God" and a "Abomination".

This is like calling all Germans Nazis, and then thinking Nazis were big fans of interracial couples or labor unions.

Wait wait wait, are you saying that anyone who is "Pro-Life" is a freak and not human?

Wait wait wait, you have hardcore christian fundimentalists who...are zombies? What? You think people who are a pro-god would be okay with black magic?


The temporal angels aren't so bad.


Why is the art all over the place in quality and style? Can you not stick to like four or five styles? The art in here looks stolen or just bought from random vendors. Did you even commision all of this?

Wait wait wait, some of this art looks stolen from Stars Without Number! Page 68!

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Weapons for Life
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Classic Spycraft: World Militaries
Publisher: Crafty Games
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2018 20:29:31

I can get a lot of this infomation from wikipedia or just general searches or books. Get this when it's on sale if your "Google-fu" isn't so good.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Classic Spycraft: World Militaries
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Handguns of WWII
Publisher: Bloodstone Press
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2018 20:06:35

I wanted to like this because it had lots of cool features, but at less then 20 pages, it shouldn't have such glaring issues. This has been out quite some time, it should've been fixed by now.

A simple wikipedia search and ten seconds would find problems with data shown in this book. One of the most popular handguns of the war, period, is listed with the wrong ammo and completely wrong stats.

How did this happen? Typos over and over?

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Handguns of WWII
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PATROL: The Trench Raiders
Publisher: Newstand Press
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2017 19:18:13

Every single thing that made the previous system great, that I mentioned in my review, is here in this expansion.

Hell, even the stats for the Ross Rifle are exciting and functional.

Best ten dollar expansion I ever saw for an RPG.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
PATROL: The Trench Raiders
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Patrol - A Vietnam War Roleplaying Game
Publisher: Newstand Press
by Timothy S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2017 23:20:01

This RPG is not only cheap, but it's a pretty long read that doesn't seem to waste your time on any of it's pages. I can't think of a better RPG set in the Vietnam War and frankly most RPGs with firearms are either too complicated or well....too complicated.

The stats work, there is a lot of different options for play, many many factions and NPCs, lots of features that show the glory and horrors of combat, and page after page of detail on the conflict itself.

After two years of American History in High School and College, I didn't expect to learn anything new but I did.

Looking at the system now, I'm frankly suprised all the weapons are so balanced and the most recent patch I keep hearing about is so good.

I'm incredibly, almost manicly excited for the supplements and I believe this rpg deserves every sale that Twight 2013, which is a garbage system of complexity and bad writing.

In fact the system is so good, I use it as a resource for third world D-20 based RPGs, because it's just full of ideas and infomation.

Hope more footage of people playing this game is uploaded, it's fun to watch.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Patrol - A Vietnam War Roleplaying Game
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