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The Heroic Legendarium: A First Edition Adventure Gaming Companion $17.99
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The Heroic Legendarium: A First Edition Adventure Gaming Companion
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The Heroic Legendarium: A First Edition Adventure Gaming Companion
Publisher: Storm Fetish Productions
by Philipp [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2024 01:31:21

This has been obviously written by someone who lives and breathes AD&D 1st Edition. It assumes full usage of the core books plus UA and offers mostly rules additions, & clarifications as well as some house rules. I venture the guess that probably no one save the author will use this in its entirety, but its an awesome, awesome source of little building blocks to add to your game. Also reading it will probably trigger one or the other epiphany for all but the most experienced 1E veterans - it certainly did that for me. I can only recommend this heartily to all 1E enjoyers. Get this book, its more than worth its money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Heroic Legendarium: A First Edition Adventure Gaming Companion
Publisher: Storm Fetish Productions
by Thiago L. P. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/27/2022 05:11:36

An excellent resource of new content for ADnD1e. This is basicallly an UA2 with much more useful content, imho. There's a lot of good stuff to be used in here.

The new classes rocks, pretty original and complete. The corrections included are much welcome as well. There's corrections and clarifications to monsters, terms, items and etc. There's new rules as well. I personally love the new domain management, very interesting.

The format and layout are very, very good. Has an oldschool feel, at the same time is very clear and easy to read. There's no art in the book, but the content rocks so much that it's a minor detail. If you like ADnD1e or any Oldschool variant, get this, you will not regret.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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