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The Glitter Grimoire (Fantasy Grounds) $14.99
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The Glitter Grimoire (Fantasy Grounds)
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The Glitter Grimoire (Fantasy Grounds)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/30/2021 06:17:14

This is absolutely the funniest book of spells I've ever seen. Absolutely NOT for grim or serious adventures. This is for campaigns and players that enjoy having a bit of fun. "Fool's Gold" makes something appear to be made of gold, when it isn't. "Color Glitter Bomb" sprays glitter, with victims taking massive damage from effects depending on the color of glitter they get. "Misplacement" teleports an unattended object to a different location (with limitations). I highly recommend this book. It's so much fun!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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