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Tome of Mystical Tattoos (Thunder Deity Cover) $32.99 $27.99
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Tome of Mystical Tattoos (Thunder Deity Cover)
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Tome of Mystical Tattoos (Thunder Deity Cover)
Publisher: Natwuns
by Darryl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/08/2025 02:32:51

Love the Sheer immensity of this book. 290 pages of an easy to understand tattoo system. All the tattoo pages feature one tattoo, art depicting the tattoo and art illustrating where apon one's body said tattoo goes. There's a brief description of what the character will gain by possessing the given marking (with 5E mechanics) and a chunk of lore. Also helpful is each tattoo receiving the standard magic item power rating level. This makes the receiving of a tattoo an interesting alternative reward to magic items.

I personally really enjoyed the set tattoos. With these sets, possessing all the tattoos will enable the magic within them to mingle and grant a new effect, a set bonus. The sets only need three tattoos on the wielder.

There is a new class included, The Tattooist, but to me this felt like a class for NPCs. The Tattooist is a half-caster with two subclasses. One is more martial while the other is more of a full caster. There is a small selection of magical tattooist equipment also included.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tome of Mystical Tattoos (Thunder Deity Cover)
Publisher: Natwuns
by Ronin S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/21/2022 22:44:42

I really like this class, for con caster it's surprising balanced. and I love the prices table for Dms like myself who would like to allow their players to enjoy the tattoos too. it helps alot.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Tome of Mystical Tattoos (Thunder Deity Cover)
Publisher: Natwuns
by Lenny B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2022 16:14:14

The tattoos are great. I took off 2 stars because EVERY tattoo's description starts with "Produced by a special needle, this magic tattoo" and it is annoyingly redundant. To the extent that I end up skipping most of the descriptions because it is irritating.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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