Gnome Droppings (8 pages) is an interesting adventure for an older edition of D&D (THAC0). It is located in Dungeon issue # 63. Part of the adventure takes place in the cave complex (6 “rooms”), but the grimlocks did not attack the adventuring party, so it was not explored. The solo engine that I used was OSR Solo. The RPG system I used was Whitefrank (DriveThruRPG).
For this adventure, I used six druids. They were in the woods when something fell from the sky and crashed. When they got there, the grimlocks were checking it out. The PCs waited for them to leave. At two in the morning, two nasty spriggans show up. There is a big battle, the two are killed, but one of the druids died. Later, two in the afternoon, the grimlocks leave and the PCs managed to open up the large “cube”. A damaged automaton came out, blew up, and damaged four of the five characters. At this time, five soldiers arrived from the nearby fort. They had received orders to investigate the crash. So, the automaton (Ergo), soldiers, and PCs head for the fort. Eventually the owners of Ergo show up. They do pay a reward for giving him back. After this, the characters go back to the site and perform a burial ceremony. This is followed with rest and healing magic.
- Whitefrank RPG is 63 pages of fun. It is based on a 3d6 system. It contains 26 problems/disabilities, 73 powers, 96 skills, 29 character classes (yes, you can be a talking cat), 46 spells, and 14 challenges/monsters.
Give this a try!