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Murder in Thay $2.95
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Murder in Thay
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Murder in Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Benjamin H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/05/2024 17:29:00

Truly, a much needed expansion on the incredibly thin Thay chapter in Rise of Tiamat. Running a mystery is tricky at high level what with all the characters' powerful abilities, but the tension of the setting and circumstances really reels in the characters and forces them to be careful and meticulous. Plus, you can have some real fun roleplaying all the different suspects.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Murder in Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/07/2024 10:41:28

Absolutely love this expansion to what was quite frankly a very underwhelming chapter in RoT. This raises it to a whole new level which both my players and I are enjoying immensely. There are a lot of moving parts in this module so good notes and familiarity with the NPCs is essential. Read it through, highlight the key points and then read it again. I'm not sure that I'd run it as a novice DM, but if you are feeling brave it will be very rewarding and memorable. It is pretty much all RP (unless your party has a deathwish), which is a welcome change of pace from the rest of RoT. The writing quality is excellent as is the plot and character design. It is well worth the asking price. WOTC could learn a thing or two from this creator.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Murder in Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bradley W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/25/2023 14:02:25

Bought this because the standard chapter for mission to thay was boring and my players would have hated it. This is significantly better and I know my players are going to have a blast.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Murder in Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/30/2023 04:05:38

What impressed me the most about this adventure is how detailed it is and how high the production value is. I think a lot of people don't understand that encounters like the Mission to Thay in Rise of Tiamat were designed with the intention that DMs would expand them on their own. What it takes to do that is an experienced, creative DM, and also one who has a good grounding in the lore of the Forgotten Realms. This is very different from the hardcovers of today, which assume that a DM has never seen a pair of dice before. Murder in Thay does the work for you, giving you personalities for the other Thayans at your party's meeting with Eseldra Yeth, a layout for Nethwatch Keep, and then a murder for your PCs to investigate that could have interesting consequences for the Thayan alliance they may be trying to bring about. Everything about the existing Rise of Tiamat encounter is still here, but it's been expanded into something considerably more interesting. Also, SPOILERS, but the death of Eseldra Yeth here happens to set up quite nicely that she's not the tharchion of Lapendrar in Ed Greenwood's recent Thay: Land of the Red Wizards supplement, which is set later down the timeline. All in all, this is a well written, well designed, well produced, excellent little expansion for Tyranny of Dragons. And I mean, the price is a steal for what you're getting, quite frankly, wow!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Murder in Thay
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jesse B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2021 07:56:47

Murder in Thay Review

So let me first off say that, for $2.95, this is a fantastic addition to the Tyranny of Dragons Storyline. In the Published adventure, the party travels to Thay for what amounts to dinner and a dice-roll, where as this injects a much needed sense of both dread, intrigue and ulterior motives that should be present in both Thay, and the underlying adventure of Tyranny of Dragons as a whole.

I've had the opportunity to run this as a part of my Expanded Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Total runtime for my group was over two sessions coming in at around 10 Hours total for the adventure.

What I like about this adventure: The adventure itself lays out the who, the what and the why fairly well when it comes to the Antagonist and potential Red Herrings that the party will likely begin to grip onto when they figure out that this adventure, depending on your group, is more Roleplay than Combat intended. My group of general murder-hobos realized quite quickly that they were overmatched and would likely be taken prisoner or killed if they were to try and kill their way to an alliance or intimidate the Tharchion into terms. I like that there is enough in the adventure to give you ideas, give you a general sense of who the NPCs are and what they're like towards the party and the alliance in general.

I also love that there are three potential endings described in detail by the publisher, it really does help to have a general idea of how the other NPCs react to each potential situation detailed in the product.

What did I change? I had Cressa play a semi major role as they sympathised with her position as a slave in Thay. It made the reveal of her true.... capabilities, all the more sweet. I created my own versions of the paper maps included in Dungeondraft as the maps provided were functional, but with my group being used to high quality either WoTC maps or aftermarket ones from other Patreon's or DMs Guild products, it was something I spent a fair bit of time doing. In saying that, once again, this product is $2.95, and the inclusion of the maps is a huge plus regardless.

What was hard? Giving the players enough clues to have a chance to figure out the true villian without giving it away too early. But this isn't a failing on the Creators part, just my own struggles with a smarter than average party.

Suggestions for DMs Read this thing from start to finish, really get a feel for the NPCs and what Thay might want in a trade deal. It makes it all the more sweeter when the party is heavilly invested in the terms they have created with Tharchion Eseldra Yeth, when the person who has agreed to the terms suddenly isn't able to uphold those terms. Feedback from my players was that it was one of their favourite sessions, with 0 combat and mainly RP, they all had an absolute blast.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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