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Valley of Peril $14.99 $11.24
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Valley of Peril
Publisher: Loke BattleMats
by Cedric C. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 10/21/2022 18:55:44 review of the physical box contents :

Overview: Loke Battle Mat's "Adventure Box: Valley of Peril" consists of twenty-four 11"x17" maps, four 8 1/2'x11" maps, 300+ tokens, and a magnetic-shut storage box, for your RPG adventures. The larger maps consist of four maps of each of the following: Forest Road, Dungeon Halls, Lost Caves, Forest Ruins, Old Homestead, and Barren Hills. Three of the smaller maps compose a two-story tavern and a roof. The last small map is a Cave entrance. The box also has 300+ numbered tokens, three sheets of terrain features, and a free digital copy code redeemable at the Loke Battle Mats website. The maps are printed on modular fully-laminated and wipe-clean double-sided maps. Similar to their spiral-bound map books, you can use two or more maps to form a larger rectangular map, longer map, L- or T-sized map, and so on. Each map has a 1" grid. The tokens and terrain features are printed on the same sheets, so will have to be cut out. You can, of course, use the their maps with any 1" grid map, as well as Loke Battle Mats' reusable static clings from their "Add-On Scenery" line.

Assortment: Loke Battle Mats has a good variety of map products, so you should pick the one that suits your adventures and your organizing the best. The Adventure Box primarily focuses on forests, with adjoining hills, a small dungeon, some caverns, a tavern, and a generic homestead. Pretty obviously, if your adventure instead takes place in a multi-level dungeon or several districts of a city, you would want, say, the Loke Battle Mats Book of Dungeons or Book of Town and Taverns.

11"x17" Maps: At 11"x17", the Box map sizes differ from other Loke Battle Mat products. The spiral-bound Book and Battle Map products are one-foot square. The A4-sized Big and A3-sized Giant Books are 12"x9" and 12"x16" respectively. You can combine maps in this set and with other sets to make larger maps.

Separate: One major advantage of individual maps is selecting only the ones you need for the current game session. The 11"x17" maps fold in half, so you can carry these maps along with your GM notes and RPG adventure. The Box's 11"x17" maps fold in the center, meaning that you can stack, say, the four dungeon maps together, give them a fold, and thus more easily organize and store them.

Tokens: The Box comes with 300+ tokens. The tokens are printed on the same laminated paper as the maps, meaning that you can write on them (eg. status effect). You will need to cut out the tokens, and they are not as thick as cardboard ones. Tokens are double-sided, with a different creature on the other side. Tokens are numbered. Myself, I use miniatures, so won't be cutting out the tokens. However, because they are numbered, I can still use the facial illustrations as a GM aid to describe an NPC or monster. Just jot down the number next to the NPC or monster stat block.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Valley of Peril
Publisher: Loke BattleMats
by Faye B. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2022 11:39:16

A great collection of battlemaps, Character tokens and furinshing tokens for a new group at a reasonable price. As I have a phyiscal copy as well, it is good for a copy for the tokens, (as some are a bit small but good looking) The art is outstanding for all the products!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Valley of Peril
Publisher: Loke BattleMats
by gilles b. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/18/2022 09:42:33

j'ai ce livre en version physique depuis de nombreuse année et j'y ai passé chouette campagne de jdr tant en temps que GM que joueur.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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