So i haven't played a real adult themed RPG game since the unofficial release of the Book of Erotic Fantasy (I know i'm showing my age). I was under the impression it was more plug in play system friendly adventure but it has it's own system. But because of it my groups would be less inclined to learn a new system to something like this it will most likely stay just in my library. But for lovers/close friends this seems like a fun adventure.
It is a solid product that has some quick drop in NPCs for the lazy GM and have a story build in for it or some seeds for world building. But i feel it is two high a price for what you get.
One thing I was hoping from the alpha that would be addressed was a summary of the monster to either describe it and how it might work and not just the encounter. But most monsters only get half of that or needing to read walls of text just to get some description to help make the encounters more gm friendly and others the scene makes one just goes okay. Most are 5e monsters stats from other edition monsters which isnt a bad thing as there is some gems hidden here. But as a gm I don't think i could recommend this product but rather suggest to watch the videos of the creators for their YouTube monsters segments for inspiration or stats ideas. Now the collaboration of the authors could have made this a masterpiece but I felt it wasn't done in the right way but I do support the creators to try again
gives better info then the dmg incase your party desides to opperate a business
this product is a solid 3.8 / 5 But it is an interesting change for a sourcebook. I wouldn't say a must buy but if your interested in the normal sword coast adventures Iwould give it atleast alook
first let me say a star was taken off because it felt you need the sourcebook. it is okay. Its It's not really good or bad. personally I wasn't a fan of formatting, I also felt it was repetitive to have the monster stat blocks and then the reference to where it came from
Did a wounderful job. It is sad we haven't gotten more offical stuff involving this
always nice to get more monsters that were from older editions
Creator Reply: |
Thanks! I hope you get a lot of use out of it. |
It was a fresh take. I don't think i cared much for it but i can appreciate the fresh coat of paint it brings
It had good promise but a major problem i had was the stat block. it wasn't balanced. While peace was never an option all versions of it's CR should be alittle higher.
A fresh take on a level 1 adventure. worth the playthrough
A fair adventure. But in all honesty Sphnix(es?)in 5e are underused and it's good to see this adventure has one.
It was okay but it could have been formatted alittle better. at one point everything seemed to meld into one.
If your a gm who is not the best at making traps/puzzles this will be your best friend
first let me say I don't believe in a perfect product but I give this a high 4.7 /5. it has alotof cletic lore creatures that thiscreator made into decent stats.