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Publisher: Autarch
by Joshua P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2021 15:10:42

The Supermetric system is nothing short of brilliant. It's a little frontloaded at first, and the reader is inclined to ask where the author is going with this. At its most obvious, it becomes clear that the system readily scales from the microscopic to the interstellar. As one reads through the descriptions of various superpowers, a plethora of examples cover situations such as a bat finding a moth, the relative difficulty of seeing a dust mite as opposed to bacteria, a bloodhound's ability to track prey, right down to questions as esoteric as the bandwidth of telepathy - all boiled down to extremely simple addition and subtraction (and multiplication).

While most rules systems range in flexibility from an IKEA kit to a fully-stocked workbench, the Supermetric system is an entire makerspace, just daring you to present a question it can't answer with ease. And when you're talking comic book heroes, the extreme and the strange are the exact sorts of questions you'll be asking.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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