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Publisher: Autarch
by Eoin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2021 16:09:18

Ascendant is a very interesting beast - a game that offers an awful lot of freedom to the players (both in terms of character building and in terms of how they can use their powers in game). The Supermetric (or SU) system can take a couple of readings to get your head around, but once you do it's a shockingly powerful system, allowing you to easily compare things that normally can't be compared, and figure out how a certain action will resolve (how far can I throw this car, for instance) very quickly. There's some front-loaded complexity, in the sense that character creation can take some time, but from what I've heard things are much slicker and swifter in actual play. While I haven't gotten the chance to muster my group for a proper game yet, I'm really looking forward to giving it a good go in the New Year. If my opinion changes significantly after that, then I'll alter my review, but for what I've experienced so far I can heartily recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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