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DC-PoA-WC-02 Library of Lost Books $3.99
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DC-PoA-WC-02 Library of Lost Books
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DC-PoA-WC-02 Library of Lost Books
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ayman I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2023 00:54:02

Really fun module, easy to run, good roleplay opportunities with the variety of characters. Great sense of humor throughout as well. The maps were a ton of fun; the settings make for some interesting combat opportunities. Players enjoyed just how big a deal jumping and scaling things was in this adventure (imagine parkour in the library!). If there is a monk in the party, they will be ALL over this. Also, the d100 list of book titles is incredible — I imagine it'll be a fun resource even outside of this adventure.

A couple of notes:

  • Plinker is a bard, but his stat block is not in the adventure, so you will have to grab the bard stat block (from MP:MM or VGM) ahead of time. I didn't realize this and didn't have it on me, so I struggled a bit to run Plinker in combat because of it.
  • If you run the whole thing, there are four combats that happen fairly consecutively. Great for a combat-focused party, but can be draining. My recommendation is to emphasize the differences between the combats as much as possible (usually in the terrain/setting) to help keep it dynamic. The third combat can easily feel like a repeat of the first (it is designed to be skippable) so I recommend letting your players find creative solutions — I let them befriend the barbarian brothers.

Thanks to the author!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DC-PoA-WC-02 Library of Lost Books
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ander T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2021 00:54:19

A ton of fun for the party and easy to prep for the DM. The plot development that obligates the party to get involved is pretty clever. The puzzle ended up being manageable for my group, even though I was worried. The main NPC is a bit of a crutch for managing some plot elements, but it's a useful crutch.

My table loved the song titles and random books in the library. If I had a shred of artistic talent, I would draw "The Very Hungry Tarrasque".

My only tweak was to move the magic item reward to a point where it could be discovered earlier and used, rather than it being awarded at the end for no apparent reason.

Line art maps for the print-friendly version would be nice, but that's my only minor disappointment. This one is definitely going in my file of grab-and-go modules.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the kind words and the suggestions! I will look into getting line drawing for the maps in the printer friendly version (sort of kicking myself for not thinking of that when I decided to provide a FP version).
DC-PoA-WC-02 Library of Lost Books
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Lance C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/05/2021 12:10:15

This adventure is delightful to play as both a player and a DM. There are some excellent roleplay opportunities, as well as challenging combats. There is a puzzle that is also a lot of fun, and you can tell he puts a lot of work into making the puzzle unique. Even though this is an Adventurer's League adventure, it should be easy to adapt to any campaign.

The author also published a popular selling "Puzzles and Riddles." This is a great supplement for any campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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