For the last few days, I soloed my way through The Haunter From Beyond. To play this, you will need One-Shot RPG System Rules: Modern & Horror Setting, both are free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG. I used the Mythic Game Master Emulator as the solo engine. The adventure is in a horror/Lovecraftian/modern setting in Italy. The module contains seven NPC characters. I used Ryu and Iyana as PCs and I rolled up three more characters to use as PCs. So, the party bus is filled with five PCs and four NPCs. In Policoro they visit a club at night and Boris the bodyguard gets kicked out of there. Things really get crazy when they get to the abandoned town of Carcosa. Selma the NPC is the party girl and she promises a fun time here. She is not concerned about the wrecked military-style truck. They do salvage a Beretta BM59 from it and some ammo. In a house they find a tentacle. In the cyclopean cathedral they find a strange altar. Next, Clarine the clairvoyant has a vision of a man in a house. They find the house and search it. The man can not be found, but Jacob the journalist does take the documents about rituals. Jacob is not much fun, but he does pay for the gas, and he is armed with a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. Later, Selma gets out her Ouija board at the cathedral and things start to get ugly. The group does get a “win”, but Ryu the PC dies and also Selma, Tasia, and Ava (NPCs).
Give this a try!
This fun adventure module is 44 pages and it includes two maps and several player handouts. Warning - some bad words are used and there are some scenes of extreme violence.