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The Bone Lord Complete Chronicles [BUNDLE] $12.95 $6.50
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The Bone Lord Complete Chronicles [BUNDLE]
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The Bone Lord Complete Chronicles [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Micro RPG
by Amanda P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2022 20:45:09

A bit of an older set of Micro RPG adventures, this was a really good intro to the system that kept things simple, but really showed off the potential of future entries. I really like how it tried to integrate interacting with the tavern keeper at the beginning and I especially liked the system with how you can potential make friends with them and how it can influence the adventure and the subsequent books in the Chronicles. On a whole, this is a simpler implementation of the Micro RPG ruleset, but as an example of the potential or just to get your feet wet, it seems like a very good introductory set to the system. I was really thrilled by the climax of the first book and when I finished it I was all-in on wanting more.

If you're looking for a quick and simple intro to the system this set of adventures might whet your appetite, but if you're more interested in something more complex you might want to give this a pass. As an introductory example to both the system and the types of design space it exists in, though I enjoyed it and find it an easy recommendation to anyone with a passing interest in the system that is okay with the simpler style of play and wants a more directed experience than a randomly generated play space.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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