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Rocket Age 5e - Core Rulebook
Publisher: Why Not Games
by RONALD [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/07/2025 21:37:21

Well done. Everything you want in a Pulp Sci-fi game and setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rocket Age 5e - Core Rulebook
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Silent Legions
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by RONALD [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/31/2024 17:45:46

Its Kevin Crawford, what more could you ask for in a creation?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Silent Legions
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Terra Arisen
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by RONALD [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2024 09:03:55

Great Sci-if game. Tons of stuff here and well written and though out.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Terra Arisen
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Across a Thousand Dead Worlds
Publisher: Blackoath Entertainment
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2023 18:34:53


Across a Thousand Dead Worlds is a great product. Lots of setting depth, lots of dungeon crawl, some resource management choices that can kill your crew, tons of adversaires and much mystery. I think that what really sets the game apart is that if you want to run an RPG and have no experinece, Across a Thousand Dead Worlds can train you to do so. Character construction is crunchy but not accounting, and you get enough setting to keep a group going.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Across a Thousand Dead Worlds
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Genesys - Embers of the Imperium
Publisher: EDGE Studio
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/30/2023 11:38:56

Twilight Imperium Embers of the Imperium is a great Space Opera Sci-fi setting; plenty of wierd races, tons of gear, lots of history. The Genesys system runs smooth and is conducive to fast cinematic play. You will need the Genesys basic rules. Throughout the book are blurbs that detail a mission or adventure, which I found to be very useful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Genesys - Embers of the Imperium
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Death in Space Core Rules
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/29/2022 22:47:02

Fairly light take on the genre. MOTHERSHIP and its products are so similar to this you can probably use them together.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Death in Space Core Rules
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Earth Sector
Publisher: Independence Games
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2022 22:46:01

Covers the setting well. I would have given it 4 stars if it had more artwork and 5 if the 2 alien races covered were not so entirely childish in design. Flying squiirels and Gopher people? Maybe for an RPG targetting pre-teens, but in what is touted as Hard Sci-fi, its just insulting that actula aliens couldnt be designed to actually be alien.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Earth Sector
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Weird Frontiers RPG
Publisher: Stiff Whiskers Press
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2022 22:42:12

I gave this 3 stars as it is clearly a labor of love from its creators. It is not better in world development (Luchadors in the Wild West? Yuck), its structure is clunkier than most (Even more than Aces & Eights, if you can believe that), and its Cthulhu take is meh (Down Darker Trails is superior.) Buy this game if you dont have any other Wild Wierd West game, but if you do, just stick to them.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Weird Frontiers RPG
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Creator Reply:
While I don't understand some of your criticisms, I realize that the game isn't going to win over everyone that takes a chance on it. I'm very sorry you didn't find anything to like about it- Dave
Infinity: Infinity RPG Core Book
Publisher: Modiphius
Date Added: 02/15/2018 18:27:27

This is a nice product. If you are a fan of the miniatures game, you will find tons of background info here on the setting. The system is easy to use, character creation is well balanced. Art is excellent. My only complaint is that I wanted to be able to generate Tohaa characters. The description states that they can be created, and then the actual product requires waiting for a Tohaa sourcebook. Now this is probably not going to be an issue for most purchasers, but I purchased it to specifically see how the Tohaa were generated, and they are not here. For this reason, I have given it 4 stars. It would have gotten 5 if it had not been advertized incorrectly,

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Infinity: Infinity RPG Core Book
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Altais: Age of Ruin
Publisher: Parhelia Games
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2018 14:04:32

Altais is a great RPG. The setting is balanced and well imagined. Artwork and production values are top notch. The setting is medium in magic. Its a fantasy/sci-fi world, similar in background to Tekumel in that humans colonized thousands of years in the past and have now forgotten their origins. Now an ancient evil is returning to the world of Altais, and the players adventure against them, or not, they could just adventure. Lots of original creatures. You can dungeon crawl easily. All in all, Altais is a complete game. I recommend it to anyone, and to anyone just getting into RPG's and GMing, it provides a decent system and excellent notes on running adventures.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Altais: Age of Ruin
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Elizabethan Adventures: Players' Book
Publisher: Matthew Wallhead
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/01/2018 00:07:50

I purchased both the Players Book and the Game Masters guide. Fabulous game, well researched. Setting is covered extensively. Everything you ever wanted to know about being an Elizabethan is in this game. System is easy to use, combat is crunchy and well thought out. Author clearly knows the subject and loves it. I hope to see much more for this game! I would compare this, in its detail, to ACES and EIGHTS or Coriolis: excellent rpg's which convey what they are meant to convey and do it superbly.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Elizabethan Adventures: Players' Book
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for these positive words. It's been a labour of love for many years. I'm just glad it finally reaches an appreciative audience after so long. I will be working on further campaign material in future. I hope you enjoy this as much as my friends and I have done.
Elizabethan Adventures: Gamemaster's Book
Publisher: Matthew Wallhead
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/01/2018 00:06:23

Fabulous game, well researched. Setting is covered extensively. Everything you ever wanted to know about being an Elizabethan is in this game. System is easy to use, combat is crunchy and well thought out. Author clearly knows the subject and loves it. I hope to see much more for this game! I would compare this, in its detail, to ACES and EIGHTS or Coriolis: excellent rpg's which convey what they are meant to convey and do it superbly.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Elizabethan Adventures: Gamemaster's Book
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Falling Stars - Adventure: Into the Long Dark Night
Publisher: Lock 'n Load Publishing
by RONALD P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/23/2017 06:03:46

I purchased Falling Stars the Core rule book, based on the high quality of Lock n Load publishings games. It was a little sparse on background info so I purchased this adventure, expecting it to provide possibly a little more background. It turns out it is merely an adventure, written to appeal to the totally novice role player, with hardly any useful info for the Falling Stars setting. If it had been $5, I would not have been critical. Their needs to be a disclaimer that this is a product for totally novice players and is designed for them, and not something a seasoned gamer need bother with.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Falling Stars - Adventure: Into the Long Dark Night
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Westward Premium Edition
Publisher: Wicked North Games
by Terry P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/11/2013 01:46:43

This was a surprise. Its a nicely done world. Lots of gear and lots of creatures. You will be pleased with it. If they had a big publisher, this would be a $40 book. Get it, you wont be disappointed.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Westward Premium Edition
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2300AD Core Rulebook Revised
Publisher: Mongoose
by Terry P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/22/2012 22:43:26

I am sorry if this review disturbs anyone who worked on it. I am sure you are reading this thinking I am overly critical. If so, I apologize. But if you had maintained the integrity of the product, or even tried to follow its predecessor more, I would be happy. Sadly, I just paid $29.99 for something I must wait for new supplements to use. And as for Mongoose, the Babylon 5 RPG line was well done. Because of that, the only reason I can see for 2300AD to be so pathetic is that it was done so to make you buy the next book, and in this case, it is blatant.

I have been a fan of 2300AD since its very first inception as Traveller 2300AD. When it just became 2300AD, it was much improved. I have followed the 2300AD fan base, and it has been kept alive by the Etranger site. That being said, I feel I can give a good review of Mongoose 2300AD.

First off, this is not the 2300AD I grew up with and have remained a fan of for 25 years; it is boring, it is minimal in its focus, and it does not have the feel of 2300AD. I am disappointed with it for many reasons. 2300AD is one of my favorite settings. I expected a product produced over 25 years after the original to surpass it: This does not. It is less than the original and for absolutely no reason other than the one many publishers pull now: MINIMAL USEFUL INFO FOR THE GM TO ENSURE SALES OF THE FUTURE PRODUCTS IN THE LINE. This game focuses on Earth and the nations there. There is no space exploration. Worst of all, it is visually boring! Where is all the art???? Perhaps I am spoiled by the product printed 25 years ago before computers dominated the industry, and expected that, with all of the resources produced in 25 years, this one would rock, and it does not even try.

I am not sure how the system itself will work for 2300AD. Mongoose Traveller is a good and simple system, so I will not rate it.

Original 2300AD books were visually interesting. There are lots of charts for such things as what language a nation speaks, where a planet or star system is, and many charts for star ship design.

The written material here is good. Cybernetics and DNA mods are covered well. These are things which were not deeply covered in the original products. Earth/Cybertech did some, but not much. I have the original books, so this part supplements them in this department.

The chief protagonist race of 2300AD are the Kafer. This product glosses over them: you receive no stats for GM usage, no ships, no equipment, and one small blurry picture. You will not be using the French Foreign Legion to fight the Kafers on Aurora in this game until a supplement is published.

As for weapons, the original 2300AD had tons of stats and pics of the weapons. Not this one. You have a few of each type.

I feel that the intention here is to focus on human versus human, and wait for the Alien Supplement to come out. This is very disappointing. A $29.99 pdf should have more depth. It seems to me that you are expected to play Cyberpunk 2300AD, as opposed to exploring the frontiers of space, whereas the original product focused on the frontier, with the Kafer War and The Aurora Source book.

Buy this if you have no other reference to 2300AD, or if you have all of the old books, in which case I am sure you can convert things. This book will not give you a feel for 2300AD.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
2300AD Core Rulebook Revised
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