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Weird Frontiers RPG
Publisher: Stiff Whiskers Press
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/27/2023 01:38:22

I picked this up form the Goodman Games booth at Gen Con this year. Got the PDF soon after. This book is absolutly incredible! I honestly never thought I'd see a wild west RPG that would nail the atmosphere that I am looking for. The horror slant is a perfect mix and quite honestly this feels so at home along the other Goodman Games lines (like DCC RPG) that I just assumed this was all 100% on board with them! I cannot believe I went so long without knowing about this game - dont make the same mistake as me, look into this one and you wont regret it. I love this book!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weird Frontiers RPG
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review, but more importantly for taking a chance on the game at GenCon!! Dave
The World of Nimbus
Publisher: Nimbus of Legend Games
by Craig S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2022 21:56:55

This is a great setting and well worth the money! This setting is a refreshing and unique take on a swords and sorcery style atmosphere. There is a real weight in the concepts of the fight between good and evil, and the idea of the persistence of hope in an impossible circumstance. I dont really believe I can do it justice in an online review alone, but this campaign setting has many unique elements that makes it stand out completely. Highlights of the setting are the very nature of the world itself (the world is enveloped in an abyssal vortex basically) and ther effect that the Shroud has on a campaign and how it permeates everything in the land. I'm a HUGE fan of the corruption and pennance system. I have always been a big fan of magic having danger associated with it and Nimbus is especially dangerous given the source of the arcane - it makes it a gamble to use magic all the time, but the pennance system in place is a smart way to alleviate this and not be too punishing for the players - it provides relief to the PC as well as a great source of roleplaying inspiration and potentially huge twists to a campaign! The religion in Nimbus is particularly heavy, again due to the nature of the setting, and the setting factions operating in the world are ripe for inspiration - I have so many ideas running through my head when I read through the differnt factions within Nimbus. The heroism described in this setting is through struggling against the odds, and unlike many campaign settings, you have to earn it and you wont necessarily start as a super-hero. The Bronze age aspect is another major point that makes Nimbus stand up above it's contemporaries, even just reading through the equipment listings you can feel the flavor has been thoroughly thought out and implemented. The classes within are all very falvorful, but the ones that speak to me the most are the Umbral Sorcerer - I love the flavor of this class, a very primordial caster that embraces it's fiendish blood and has to contantly toe the line of loosing control, almost like a raging Barbarian class as seen through the eyews of a Sorcerer, but can have significant consequenes on your very nature if not careful. Another one I really like is the Recusant Rogue, this class takes the themes of the setting and incorporates it very well - it is just very flavorful and I'm pretty drawn to it, would love to take these classes out for a spin.

I'm getting a little carried away, there is so much to say and gush about, but at the end of the day, this is a solid and very flavorful setting. THe best way I can describe it is this: It does what it says on the tin - this very much feels to me like a modern game/setting that was created through the lens of some die hard classic old school/OSR sensibilities. You really are getting the best of both worlds here in my opinion. The depth and ease of modern design and the falvor and weight of the way you remember some of your older campaigns from decades ago. Highly recomended for those looking for something interesting for their home campaign (or even just to get some great idea to adapt to their own thing).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The World of Nimbus
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