David Baity has created a love letter to the old west and the Mythos, all while wrapping it in a deep understanding of the powerful Dungeon Crawl Classics engine. This, in my opinion, is the definitive Weird West genre game. Between his well designed and beefy classes, his intelligent yet not overwhelming rules evolutions, and his spells, Mr. Baity has really done something special here. It is also worth noting, when I mention his classes, I don't mean reskinned versions of DCC classes. No, he really built his classes and most of his spells with a real flavor of his own. When you consider the number of adventures already released for the setting as well, this 900 page tome and supplements gives a lifetime of gaming goodness, either to take wholesale, or rob bits and pieces of for your own home brew games! I'd take issue with the size of the book alone, except that I can't find anything I would not want now that I have seen it. This book is an accomplishment akin to the original P'Tolus setting, a real game changer for any future 3rd party content in my opinion. If you want some more of my thoughts, see my video on my YouTube channel, Books, Bricks and Boards!