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Weird Frontiers RPG
Publisher: Stiff Whiskers Press
by Joseph B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2023 22:44:05

This book is amazing! You can tell this is a work of love that David Baity put together. From the new classes to locations, monsters and spells - I haven't been able to put this book down since I received it. If you're not familiar with DCC, don't be scared by the immense size of this tome - probaby a third of the book is dedicated to spells in the wonderful 1 page per spell style that fans of DCC love and adore. I even plan on implemementing some of the mechanics from this into my DCC campaign. Keep on being awesome David - you're the best!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Weird Frontiers RPG
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Creator Reply:
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to leave some thoughts about the book! I hope your players have a good time on the frontier... Dave
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