When I think of "high fantasy", I think of Talislanta! This beautifully illustrated and updated classic has a fantastic world to explore, interesting archetypes (racial classes), deadly creatures to run from and also airships!
The system uses a simple d20 + skill + stat (roll high) mechanic, which is easy to grok and fast to play. Skill checks, combat and magic use the same system.
That's the good stuff; the bad is that there's no index (yet) and I'd love more spells, along with more skill and combat examples. Otherwise, this is a great product! Love it!
This is gives solid insight into both the world and the kingdoms of Talislanta, its cultures and even a good amount of lore! You'll understand how the various races/cultures view the world around them in an easy to read format, which can help players step into the roles of their characters and also can help a gm to bring npc's to life!
As a resource for the fantastic world of Talislanta, this pdf is a must-have. Most creatures can modified for higher tier play and updated art is throughout.
Things I wish were included are creature by terrain/ region tables and of course treasure tables. And for some reason a Gods of Talaslanta chapter is in the back of this book.
Even if you don't play Talislanta, anyone who loves creatures will enjoy this pdf.
KS pdf Review.
Piggybacking off of the Dungeon Crawl Classics dice mechanic (and aesthetic) this morbidly fun Western ttprg has a ton of depth hidden within a chunky 900+ page tome. Just like DCC, there’s plenty to dig through, but you only need the very basics to get rolling and enjoy plenty of weird western shenanigans around your table (whether online or in person).
The character classes are very interesting takes and twists on western tropes; from the more traditional Gunslinger and Gambler, to the outrageous and surprising Hellbilly and Luchador, to the creepy Occultist and Sin Eater- just to name a handful. And many of the character classes have access to magic or magic-like abilities, which tie them to the world.
Lastly there’s a meaty bestiary of bizarre creatures and a few adventures included so the players and gm can hit the ground running! If you’re a fan of the “weird west” genre then you owe yourself to check this product out. If I have any quibble, it’s just that you’ll either need to get some DCC dice sets OR you can just use a phone app or any online die roller. You do NOT need the DCC core rule book to play Weird Frontiers.
(Disclaimer- I received a review copy of this pdf from Raging Swan.)
GM's Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing is a great OGL product all about adding cool features and details to either your custom dungeons or even just to add a bit more spice to a "purchase-and-play" lair. This massive pdf weighs in at over 300 pages, with a comprehensive bookmarked table of contents and lots of flavorful, invocative b&w artwork. The bookmarks really make navigating the pdf a breeze.
Be prepared for tons of tables and flavor text touching the many aspects of dungeon and lair delving, such as ecology, layout & design, traps chests, concealed and secret doors, illumination, stairs, riddles and even treasure! There is a TON of stuff to inspire even the most jaded DM's imagination and get those creative juices going!
Lastly, even though Dungeon Dressing is touted as a Pathfinder-compatible product, I would recommend it to anyone looking to add some jazz to their next dungeon or lair experience, no matter the rpg system they prefer.
A solid addition to any ICONS collection! IBM includes the standard fare of superhero-city material. Don't expect to be blown away- it's a city. But if you are looking for a city to base your supers campaign in, IBM will do the trick- no problem. I would only add that I wish there had been a few adventure hooks included, but the narrative included in the back of the pdf will get any competent GMs creative juices flowing. Additionally, the included heroes and villains are a welcome addition. For the price, its a no-brainer!
A great collection of dynamic art that's obviously perfect for an Obsidian Apocalypse campaign, but also for any sci-fi or fantasy experience.
Ruined Mill, by DramaScape, is a beautiful overhead color map, which can be used for both hex and square-based gameplay.
The great thing about this product, is that the map comes with the overlay visible or without. As I use maps for online gaming, one thing that has frustrated me about other battlemap products is the option to have a map without the overlay.
The map itself is vibrant and detailed, with lots to look at, but not overly busy. The pdf is 60 pages, which also includes an overall map view.
I would suggest that anyone looking for inspirational maps, to check out DramaScape's other products as well!
First of all, let me say that GMs need more products, like DramaScape's City Blocks! As a GM, I go through certain phases of gaming genres. Currently I am in my Modern/SciFi phase. As 99.9% of my gaming is done online these days, I use battlemaps for my major encounters. I am always on the lookout for more products that can be used in a modern or scifi setting.
There are TONS of battlemaps available for fantasy-themed games, but high-quality moder/scifi maps are hard to find and City Blocks is what I have been waiting for! 15 cut-away section are offered here, that can be used seperately and- get this! The seperate maps may be joined together for one huge 40" x 30" map of 4 city blocks!
All maps in this 22 page pdf are in color and the maps are detailed enough to use as-is.
David's Gripes: Map resolution may be kind of a let down for online gaming, when zooming in for street-level token use.
Final Word: A great effort by DramaScape. I have purchased other products of theirs and have been just as pleased. Be sure to check City Blocks out.
Mil Spec Tech 2 is a great addition to the selection of toys and the headaches that any respectable runners may run into. Although if you see some of the heavy-hitters in this pdf coming your way, any runner with half a brain will lay low!
Included in this full color, 31-page sourcebook pdf are drones, military vehicles (air and land), a handful of guns and even a selection of missiles and torpedoes! Basically just a little something to get a rigger's mouth watering, I should think.
Just to be clear, this supplement is something I would only consider using for a well-seasoned SR campaign, as the equipment is nothing you would see on a typical street run. We're talking big-time arms dealing here, chummers!
Mil Spec Tech 2 is a fun read, and you get just about what you would expect for the price; although a table of contents would have been nice.
Having started a d20 Modern-based sci-fi campaign, I was looking foreward to using psionics. But when I looked in the core d20 Modern book, I was sorely disappointed at what I saw. After reading many reviews, posts on forums and peering through many game systems and settings, I finally found a psionics system that doesn't feel like futuristic spell-casting!
Restless Dreams doesn't have everything I wanted, but the sytem works and "feels" like sci-fi! Its much more expansive than the bare-bones psionics in the core d20 modern book and the feats/skills/powers mechanic fits into the d20 system neatly.
Very pleased with this purchase! The only glaring omission is interior artwork!
Simply a well put-together rpg system that contains all a GM or Player needs in one pdf! Highlights include:
A setting-generic system. Creative GMs can mold RuneQuest to fit just about any fantasy campaign idea they have.
Immersive Character Creation. Being a huge fan of point-buy character creation, RQ fits the bill with a very in depth and fun way to create a character that oozes detail.
Passions. A new way to add drive and goals to your character. Also easy for players to relate and express their character's goals.
A revised magic system. Almost worth the price of admission alone! The magic is colorful and vibrant. Not just the "same old stuff" gamers have come to expect.
Combat Effects. Instead of Maneuvers, we now have effects in combat. Same idea, but much better!
- Creatures. Not only do we get a decent creature section, but also guides to creating your own monsters!
Overall an rpg for "intermediate" players and game masters, but well worth the learning curve. For those who have yet to try the RQ rpg, now is the time to start!
D. Semmes
This is pdf includes 4 mountain and cave-themed, full color, maps. And the greatest thing ever- the beautiful maps come in both grid and no-grid versions! (Thanks!)
The 4 full-sized color maps included are JPEGS and can be printed out full-sized, if thats your thing. Two of the full-sized maps are massive 24"x24" cave interiors; another is an 11"x12" cave lake detail; and lastly a 24"x24" mountain detail.
Also included are 3 pdf's, which divide the above maps into 8.5"x11" sectors, for at-home printing. Once again, it must be stressed that these full-color map sections can be printed with or without the grid (YAY!).
A very nice product, reflecting the quality that Lord Zsezse Works puts into their pdf's. Highly recommended!
Raging Swan Press releases yet another fine art piece! This dagger's lines are crisp and detailed, perfect for print. If I was daring enough, I would get this tatooed on my chest, but since I'm not- I will settle for adding this to my GM treasure trove. Very nice!
A great, dynamic piece of line art that invokes fantastic thoughts of the mage that may have wielded this mighty staff! This piece would be great on the cover of any book, or to help describe a new artifact discovered by an adventuring group. Very nice!