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Template Pack - Sci-fi v2

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Template Pack - Sci-fi v2
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Template Pack - Sci-fi v2
Publisher: Figu Design
by Richard W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2021 01:07:23

I much prefer this style. The previous sci-fi covers looked very nice and decorative, but it's difficult to customize them with an illustration, and even integrating a title or logo can be tricky (and it's important to customize them, because other publishers use the same cover, and you don't want exactly the same cover as someone else). I think I also prefer the centered look, without the spine down one side.

The only downside is if you want to use the covers for print-on-demand books, there's no bleed area around the outside, and the decorations go right up to the edge (meaning they'd be cut off if you simply enlarged the cover). This obviously doesn't matter for digital-only though.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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