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DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse $3.85
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DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
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DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2021 02:09:21

Richard has made an extremely fun, and lore wise deep module, that can be run as a one shot or slotted in extremely well into an Icewind Dale Campaign, or a similar Ice theme setting. Although the nature of this module, it can be transplanted to many different settings.

My Favourite Part: Elk Tribe Lore, and Ritual reward/dance. (I recommend adding the frozen song "Vuelie")

Key Critique: Emarelden and Torello are great characters, but can be difficult to flesh out in only four hours, however they will be great NPCs for future content and as part of my current Icewind Dale Campaign, especially in Easthaven. Currently i struggle roleplaying them for some reason. (My fault no one elses)

Combat: It is a mix of challenging, well balanced and cool to run. The main enemy is really fun to run, and can provide a lethal challenge to low level (Tier 1) Parties.

My Sunday Local AL group loved how i incoporated it into the Icewind Campaign. Members of the Local AL community also had fun, FYI its can be run at very exact time of 4 hours, or fleshed out and slowed down with a long campaign.

Recommendation for DMs on how to run: Increase the emphasis for arachnophobes, with webbing, scuttling and further highlight the Alien/H.R.Giger aestethic. Or when the ritual dance is given to the players, reward players with a special boon for one time use, that correspond thematically with their spirit animal.

Spoilers... I would also love to suggest if your party is competent enough replace the boss, with its stronger CR4 version that has access to Hunger of Hadar.

As always amazing work Richard, hope to see more modules in the future.

Steven T.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Steven, Thanks for your great review, and I really appreciate your efforts in running this adventure! Yes, the two characters are not fully-fledged out in the module because they have a specific functional role to play in the story, and I intended the DM to focus on the role of the characters in that situation. On reflection, I think it would be a good idea to add more background and information about these two characters so that the DM can understand how to roleplay them more effectively. Thanks again, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game. ~~Richard Hayward.
DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Rodney W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2021 16:50:43

I ran this adventure recently; it was a great mix of lore, combat, adventure and mystery. The Story adventure hook is plausible and the group was off racing across the snow without much encouragement. The adventure itself has a fair bit of replay ability chase/tribal scenes and rollable tables and I felt myself naturally directing the story with a tribal and curse theme. I’ll be running this one again in the future as another one shot with other groups.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Rodney, Many thanks for running this adventure! I'm glad your party enjoyed exploring in the snow! I can see you enjoyed the themes of the story. This adventure offers the DM a wide variety of situations to get immersed in, and can be a lot of fun! ~~Richard Hayward.
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