Well written, lots of ideas here. Looks like a lot of fun.
More archetypes for NPC or player ideas. From the highly recommended Jalizar setting book. Get now!
Here there be Beasts. Free map! Handy reference to give players a basic idea of where's where. Did I say Free Map?
Amateur or not, it's a good array of the kind of characters Beasts and Barbarians has to offer. Can you beat that price?
More pulp-barbarian goodness from Gramel and maestro Pignatelli. Good for a savage evening's fun. Can't beat the price either.
Really captures the feel of Howard's pulp barbarian tales. Good introductory encounter for setting. Well done!
Cool array of heroes and villains for ICONS rpg. Useful as NPCs or pcs for a pickup game. All art by Dan Houser is cool and fits the genre perfectly. Can't beat the price either.