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Back to the Rifter $8.00
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Back to the Rifter
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Back to the Rifter
Publisher: Yaruki Zero Games
by Justin M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/24/2022 04:36:34

Amazing book. Worth it just for the dissection of the game's fascist apologia, but there's so much more than that. I've been working my way through the PDF for a while but have now finished it and am contemplating getting the POD becasue I enjoyed it so much. If you love Rifts, hate Rifts, or are just curious about this early 90s game that's an artifact of late 70s gaming, get this for yourself.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Back to the Rifter
Publisher: Yaruki Zero Games
by Patrick O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2021 03:38:54

Disclosure: I'm the Ionicsabrist mentioned in the Intro. This is probably all the fame I will ever have.

Further disclosure: Like a lot of my friends, I'm with the crowd that loved the setting, but couldn't stand the system used for Rifts. Add to that knowing someone who was burned during the Robotech Tactics debacle, I was all too happy to see this little gem cross my feed.

This was an enjoyable and well-written critique of both the setting (some parts I knew from following/participating in conversations on Twitter, some parts I didn't) and the system used for Rifts. It was thorough, it was merciless, and it was well researched, especially in addressing some of the parts(1) of the book that haven't aged that well(2).

Even if you are a diehard fan of the system or setting, I'm going to say give this a look. There are points raised in here that do need to be addressed. And if you're only curious and have never played anything by Palladium before, definitely pick this up before deciding whether or not to drop money on the core books.

(1) - Okay, lots of parts need work

(2) - Even by 90s standards, it's kind of cringey when you look back at the Insanity rules, how areas like Africa and India are treated/referred to, depictions of First Nations, and...yeah, a new edition would need a lot of rewriting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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