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100 Cyberpunk Traps $1.25 $0.99
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100 Cyberpunk Traps
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100 Cyberpunk Traps
Publisher: Doppelgänger Publishing
by Michael B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2021 00:37:19

So here's the deal. There's no stats or descriptions in this. If you're looking for descriptions of how the traps could work and what happens. Nah. This just listerally is a list of trap names. Sometimes the traps names just feel like random words strung together and make you scratch your head. If you want descriptions, stats and details, after you roll, you'll basically have to go into your core book, find the closest approximate trap to it and then work that out.

I mean maybe this could be useful if you're in your preplanning phase and you're planning a dungeon and you have the time to say "ok what goes in the next room" and then have time to look up the stats or homebrew it. Otherwise, if you use this in game because you want to enhance your sandbox, you'll have to make it all up on the fly...

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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