For $5 there is a lot of value here.
Some info on Elturel, a great character backgrounds to include in your campaign, and a wonderful alternate adventure and hook to get things started. A lot of value to add to your Descent into Avernus campaign for the price!
It's pay what you want, which is fine, but there's just not much content here. The outline of an adventure, a small encounter, that's about it. It's fine, but not very inspiring.
I want to be clear that I ran this adventure in 2023, after the patch by the author.
I can't speak to the original state of the adventure, but I had a very fun time running the patched version. It's a fun, simple little mystery with plenty of opportunity for players to make meaningful decisions regarding the treasure they find and what things they dig deeper into.
What I liked: Roleplay heavy, it has a lot of opportunity for social checks, skill challenges, and the ties to the previous adventure and the next one are a lot of fun. Ther are some nice red herrings that end up leading to the final conclusion in a fun way.
What I didn't like: It's combat light, and definitely sets the characters up to have potential conflict with certain NPCs but at the same time tells the DM "don't let that happen." The full movements of the badguy for this adventure don't make full sense. I think it could be cleaned up even more, and I did so while running it. The final confrontation's lead up is a bit travel and the information isn't placed in an easily digestible manner, so I had to reread a few times to understand what was happening.
Overall: It's overall fun to run with the patched version, and leads very nicely into DDAL04-04.
It's pay what you want, but the really valuable thing in this pdf bundle is the reference map of elturel before the fall, exactly what I was looking for
Simple list of additional stuff you can gather! For my party in Barovia who consist of 3 people with herbalism kits this was another layer of foraging added onto their interaction in the campaign. Great little resource!
An excellent adventure, this is what Adventurer's League modules should aspire to be.
There is a nice setup, a great dive into the town of Orasnou, and then exploration and different encounters in the Svalich Woods, culminating in the encouner with Alina.
What I liked: The encounters are difficult, adding to the horror of the Barovian setting. The scenario (discover what happened to missing hunters, help the town, reveal the mystery) works out very well. I like the added material provided in the module to expand on Orasnou.
What I didn't like: Not much, I am not running this as part of adventurer's league so I'm using the extra time to flesh out Orasnou and foreshadow some upcoming modules. I guess it would have been nice to have exploration navigate a node path with options between encounters instead of just rolling, but the encounters are still flavorful and add to the horror.
Overall: Wonderful adventure, after DDAL04-01 this is a strong start to season 4!
This wasn't as good a Hero of the Troll Wars, but still much better than Wrinkle in the Weave.
I have so far run DDAL08-00 through DDAL08-06. Overall I enjoyed the first trilogy more than this one, but this was a decent enough adventure on it's own, even though it takes some working.
What I liked: four fun micro encounters, different versions of the "same" house with different sets of social encounters, investigation, or combat in each one. The final fight is also fun, I recommend buffing up the encounters with extra monsters (just run it as very strong for a medium party) but the fights themselves were fun. I also liked a bit more time with Artor Morlin, and some more discussion about the vampire problems in the city.
What I didn't like: The core goal of the adventure seems at odds with chapter 2 and the optional quests. The party is looking to investigate the weave, and it turns out the vampires have very little (nothing) to do with that. I think a better connection between the weave and the vampire worshipers would help strengthen the adventure. Also the module mentions the families of vampire fans following vampires elsewhere in the city, the players are incentivised to find those vampires, but that doesn't seem to be the goal here.
Overall it's fine, but despite how fun Hero of hte Troll Wars is I think DDAL08-04 through DDAL08-06 are very skippable.
A lot of fun options to play a middle ground between rules-light narrative and simulationist experience. I appreciate the world building the character options. I really like the mix of scales between the human half of the characters and the robot halves.
It's a lot of fun, and I've enjoyed playing it, I definitely recommend this over the Transformers RPG by Renegade.
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!
Beautiful Map, appreciate the alternate format options!