In short:
As a backer of this on Kickstarter, I'm disappointed in this. The premise had such potential, but in the end, it feels like nothing more than an OSR grab on the coattails of the Hellboy RPG Kickstarter with bad writing and desperate need of an editor.
As a fan of the genre, this brought nothing new to the table, and was an abbreviated Black Hack with minimal heroic flavoring. As someone who's growing increasingly burned out on (and burned by) OSR and the OSR/d20 approach to heroes, this didn't help. There isn't anything new here for the genre or style of play; the opportunity was there and it was dropped.
As an editor, I cringed every time I turned a page: inconsistent writing, missing or an overabundance of punctuation, and a poor background color choice make this an unpleasant to read title at best and impossible to read at worse.
If you're a die-hard OSR fan, you might find some enjoyment here. Otherwise, I cannot recommend this to anyone.