Citizens of the Lunar Empire is a terrific study of the everyday life of everyday citizens in the heart of the Empire. It is professionally written, the lay out is good, and the artwork fits perfectly for the style of the book.
It is evocative of the city and makes it easy to believe that you are walking the streets, catching the public transport dino, buying lunch on the go, or dropping into the bar. While set in Glamour it can easily be adapted to Furthest or any other city in Lunar Tarsh, or even Pavis during the lunar occupation.
Excellent portrayals of the residents of the area with sufficient stats for the GM to run them with ease without wasting space on excessive detail. Lots of adventure hooks to keep a party going for many sessions, or just providing a base that the party feel is really home rather than just some faceless room at an inn, it’s well worth buying.
There are more pop culture and literary allusions than you can shake a stick at; the jaded private investigator, the lovesick teenagers on balconies, the bar where everyone knows your name, the lovable dodgy dealers who will be millionaires this time next year and many more that bring the place to life and be a fun place to live.
Even if you never adventure in a Lunar city this is well worth buying for the background and the insight it gives into citizens of the Lunar Empire, your NPCs will be the richer for it!
If I had to find a quibble, and this is a very minor one, it’s that the rental value of each unit in the block and the purchase cost of the block aren’t provided. Chris does provide a perfectly workable economics section based on the Call of Cthulhu 7e credit rating system, which is fine. As I said, this is a very minor point and only really of interest to members of the Imperial Scriptoria!
Overall, this is well worth the cost for the pdf, and deserves to become available as POD. I’ll be getting the POD as well.