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The Evils of Illmire $10.00 $4.99
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The Evils of Illmire
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The Evils of Illmire
Publisher: Spellsword Studios
by Mae [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2024 07:45:51

What a wonderful surprise of an adventure. The density of cool, flavorful content for this price is unbelievable.

Would recommend to any OSR DM who wants to run a pre-written hexcrawl.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evils of Illmire
Publisher: Spellsword Studios
by Matthieu M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/06/2022 06:24:21

Uno dei migliori moduli su cui abbia messo le mani; Tantissimi dungeon, un hexcrawl compatto ma ben fornito ed interconnesso, una "trama" di sottofondo che agisce indipendentemente dalle azioni dei giocatori, finchè questi ultimi non decidano di ficcare il naso negli affari degli altri. E succederà. Succede sempre no?

Un misto tra folklore, horror e bizzarro che si amalgama benissimo.

Una vera e propria campagna compatta e scorrevole.

A parte qualche piccolo refuso, il pdf è scritto bene, organizzato meglio ed è una vera e propria fucina di ispirazione.

Non lo hai ancora comprato? Allora fallo.

One of the best modules I've ever gotten my hands on; Lots of dungeons, a compact but well-stocked and interconnected hexcrawl, a background "plot" that acts independently from the actions of the players, until the latter decide to poke their nose into the affairs of others. And it will happen. It always happens doesn't it?

A mix of folklore, horror and bizarre that blends very well.

A real compact and smooth campaign.

Apart from a few minor typos, the pdf is well written, better organized and is a real source of inspiration.

Haven't bought it yet? Then do it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Evils of Illmire
Publisher: Spellsword Studios
by Marc S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/13/2021 03:28:17

Perhaps one of the best adventure on this website : well made, small enough for starting a campaign, easely adaptable to another world. There's a summary/DM screen with essential information, handouts for players, conversion for 5e and Dungeon World, an underdark addition... For the price, a truly great product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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