This adventure was a fairly pleasant tonal shift away from the dread-filled story preceeding it. For time reasons, I did reduce/modify some of the content though I'm always glad to have too much content instead of too little. Overall, this was a fairly straightforward adventure with a little silliness, some decent political/cultural roleplay, one very interesting combat and one less exciting combat. I did find myself needing to do a significant amount of NPC roleplay/exposition which did take more time away from the players than I would have liked, but there is a lot to go over when it comes to explaining life for the Thuunlakalaga clan.
Our group did not run a full chase to catch Honey, but we did enjoy the character moments prior to that while they struggled to milk the goats - throwing random pictures of goats at players in Roll20 helped add some good laughs. Maybe a little silly, but it was a nice very brief reprieve from much of the doom/gloom of Season 10 and it's in the DMs hands to decide how much of that levity is desired for each group.
Instead of multiple combats, I chose largely instead to focus on a single combat on the river, though none of the players fell through the ice which I found to be a unique combat addition, one player actually decided to remove himself from combat to jump in and save Kaskur (which I wasn't expecting). The final combat I modified heavily simply because I felt my players have had their fill fighting wolves/wildlife lately and the river combat was more unique by comparison; instead it became a "wolf army" kind of chase sequence out of the grove back towards the river and that worked out quite well.
I would have enjoyed more time roleplaying with Clod or exploring the Grove, but time did get away from us with a lot of the roleplaying with Kaskur & Old Goat.
All-in-all, there's a lot to work with here for a module that does a lot of heavy lifting for establishing the setting. The need for setting the stage and the Tier 1 nature of the module prevents it from being exceptional, but it was largely well-organized, easy enough on the DM, and had plenty of enjoyable and interesting elements scattered throughout it to make it a very worthwhile adventure for us.