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DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth $4.99
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DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
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DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Christian T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/22/2024 11:32:47

A fun adventure which initially breaks the harrowing feel of the prior section, allowing the party a small break before a quest that builds more to the eventual fight against Frostclaw. I feel like there could have been more follow-up with Suuk One-Feather baked into the module, I've only read up through to 03, but it feels like they get shifted to the side for the more brash and ambitious Kaskur. That said, getting to meet the Goliaths of Wyrmdoom Crag is fun and allows you to feel some level of connection to them as they wade through the events occurring around them and try to make do.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tom G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2023 20:43:52

I think the module is a great continuation of an introduction to Icewind Dale and now the Goliaths of the Thuunlakalaga clan and Wyrmdoom Crag. It leads you on a chase (imo a mechanic not used nearly enough), on an investigation that lends another piece to the mystery that is Frostclaw!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Peter S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/27/2022 12:44:32

As someone who was still new to Adventuer's League when this was released, I enjoyed this. In hindsight it is, as several of the other reviewers pointed out, a bit of a grab bag of quests that drops the previous threads of 10-01 to introduce new ones. How well that works for you will depend on whether you're hoping for more horror vibes and atmosphere, or whether you're okay being along for the ride.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Cameron E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2021 08:35:34

As part of the larger storyline this was a fun way to introduce Wyrmdoom Crag and the Goliaths earlier. I liked sending my table over to meet the Goliaths in Tier 1 so they can have adventures in the future in Tier 2.

However by and large the module felt like a lot of filler. The goat herding and catching was fun, and the module kept teasing Frost Claw, I wish she had made a more impactful appearance. Even if it's just Frostclaw declaring war and sicking the wolves on the party or something to cover her retreat it felt unsatisfying to my players to keep having her teased and not show up. This is especially true now that we have played DDAL10-03, the party has gotten a bit burned out on not interacting with Frostclaw after their wonderful time with her in DDAL10-01.

That said, I did like the build up and reveal for Feral Tongue, I'm hoping that has more impact in future modules, and the river fight and interactions between Old Goat and the Windsinger were fun.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Marcello V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2021 15:35:41

When I ran this adventure, my players had a good time with it. Most of them played 10-01 so they already got some elements of the adventure. I think the highlight of the adventure was the encounter with Clod-The NPC can be fun, irritating and can also set up players before they go into the Dragon Maw. The recommendation for prsenting Frostclaw can also be adjusted to present Charron and its wolfpack. The Pillars of Play presented in Part Four can help present a dire situation. I had Charron mock them under concealment and have its words carried on the winds while the wolves attacked. Once the last wolf was downed and htey were regrouping was when Charron appeared. The players had the day, but it gave them a little "jump". You are given enough to present an intense, terrifying feel, but adjusting to a lighter feel does not take away from the plot of this adventure or take away from its enjoyment.

I echo some of the previous sentiment. This adventure is a great kickoff to what has been a great series of adventures. The design is pretty solid. I look forward to seeing more of Laura Thompson's work. Travis Woodall's mentorship shows. Well done.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Nicholas G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2021 10:55:05

This adventure was a pain to run, but your results may vary.

my gripes are as follows: 1: no one likes chase sequences and the lower the stakes, the less players care. "go get that goat!" is not gripping. i'd emphasise how close the tribe is coming to starving to draw up the stakes. maybe some of spearsong's kids or men cant eat today because old goat wants to be nice to outsiders? 2: no battlemaps? oh, battlemaps cost extra. this would be forgivable if the frozen river was described at all. a width would be nice. i just kind of winged it and said it was ~80 feet across, which my players took as not an obstacle. at least the giant ice toad was cool. 3: what was the point of the hot springs? haven't heard from a druid for a minnute. k... he's not where he normally is. k... cool journal bro. lets go home? i think the dragonmaw spring setting was pretty cool, but the adventure doesnt do anything with it. 4: wolves attack! boring combat. I was told season 10 was going to have eldrich horror elements, and wolves attack is not that. it's an afterthought and not excitinng.

what this module does well: 1: sets up the goliath camp well. 2: one man's junk was so much fun. 3: the gory box text does what it does really well.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Tyler F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/18/2021 07:46:37

This adventure was a fairly pleasant tonal shift away from the dread-filled story preceeding it. For time reasons, I did reduce/modify some of the content though I'm always glad to have too much content instead of too little. Overall, this was a fairly straightforward adventure with a little silliness, some decent political/cultural roleplay, one very interesting combat and one less exciting combat. I did find myself needing to do a significant amount of NPC roleplay/exposition which did take more time away from the players than I would have liked, but there is a lot to go over when it comes to explaining life for the Thuunlakalaga clan.

Our group did not run a full chase to catch Honey, but we did enjoy the character moments prior to that while they struggled to milk the goats - throwing random pictures of goats at players in Roll20 helped add some good laughs. Maybe a little silly, but it was a nice very brief reprieve from much of the doom/gloom of Season 10 and it's in the DMs hands to decide how much of that levity is desired for each group.

Instead of multiple combats, I chose largely instead to focus on a single combat on the river, though none of the players fell through the ice which I found to be a unique combat addition, one player actually decided to remove himself from combat to jump in and save Kaskur (which I wasn't expecting). The final combat I modified heavily simply because I felt my players have had their fill fighting wolves/wildlife lately and the river combat was more unique by comparison; instead it became a "wolf army" kind of chase sequence out of the grove back towards the river and that worked out quite well.

I would have enjoyed more time roleplaying with Clod or exploring the Grove, but time did get away from us with a lot of the roleplaying with Kaskur & Old Goat.

All-in-all, there's a lot to work with here for a module that does a lot of heavy lifting for establishing the setting. The need for setting the stage and the Tier 1 nature of the module prevents it from being exceptional, but it was largely well-organized, easy enough on the DM, and had plenty of enjoyable and interesting elements scattered throughout it to make it a very worthwhile adventure for us.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL10-02 Gnashing Teeth
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Brenden L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/08/2021 15:57:26

This adventure very well laid-out and fits very nicely into the story arc of the Season 10 AL modules. Creepy themes with the occasional commedic relief make for a really fun time. That said, the handouts provided were an unusual choice. One of the appendices is some lovely art depicting a location that is already described with box-text and doesn't require a visual....meanwhile there are no battle maps provided. I would have preferred to have a map for the river encounter instead of a visual that served no practical purpose.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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