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Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery $0.00
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Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery
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Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Doug [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2023 13:54:23

This is so well put together. Give us more mysteries.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Todd G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2021 10:34:37

Ran this recently, it is an incredibly intricate and detailed adventure which considering its price makes the whole thing truly stunning.

The layout itself deserves special mention in that helps break down its complicated plot into smaller bitesize pieces. With this running was challenging instead of impossible. I wouldve liked a clearer guide attached to the NPC profiles on who knows what - I find myself having to wing some important plot details that slightly derailed the adventure during the middle portion.

It also bears mentioning this is not a short scenario nor suitable for a convention environment - it took my group 3 4 hour sessions to complete and we were by no means taking our time.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review Todd. You are right, in hindsight it would have helped a lot to have a who-knows-what section, and it is definitely not for novice GMs and is quite a long scenario.
Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2021 20:49:12

Fear the Evenfall – a Vaesen Mystery (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a fun adventure for the Vaesen Nordic Horror RPG . It is an investigative adventure that takes place in Sweden in the year 1893. The RPG system I used was Wicked Pacts a Modern-day Game of Magic (DriveThruRPG). I did use the Solo Investigator’s Handbook to solo this 35 page adventure. The adventure includes 3 maps, 47 NPCs, 44 possible clues (I found 17 of them), and six locations to explore. I used the six first level characters that are included in Wicked Pacts (warlock, demon hunter, grunt, shadow, seer, and scribe). For my playthrough there was only one major battle and it was of a spiritual/magical/psychic nature (the fifth evening). On the sixth evening a ritual was performed and the “ghost” was taken care of. Roderick the scribe wanted to do library research early in the adventure, but they made him wait until the evening of day four. I felt sorry for him. So, if you like to investigate, this is for you. It would not be hard to change this to a Call of Cthulhu adventure. Good luck!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fear the Evenfall - A Vaesen Mystery
Publisher: Free League Publishing
by Eric L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/03/2021 20:28:06

Quality free content, anyone playing Vaesen should download it. There is so much in here that it can be a little daunting. I prefer simpler mysteries leaving more room for improvisation and player input, but I will use many elements in my game. Thanks.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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