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108 Real Towns & Cities with Fantasy-style Names (U.S. + England) $1.00
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108 Real Towns & Cities with Fantasy-style Names (U.S. + England)
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108 Real Towns & Cities with Fantasy-style Names (U.S. + England)
Publisher: WMB Saltworks
by Kerry H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/28/2020 13:28:42

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't really fine this product at all worth a $1. It's a 2 page PDF that is just a list of some town/city names from the US (64 of them in alphabetical by state order) and England (44 of them in alphabetical by county order).

Let's see Maytown, AL? What's fantasy-style about that? Meat Mountain, AK? Hmm, okay, maybe in a gonzo fantasy game. Why, AZ? What? Normal, IL? Seriously? White Castle, LA? Better, but makes me think of hamburgers. Castle Danger, MN? That's actually amusing. Coldwater, MS? Now, that's a good fantasy-style name in my book. Anyhow, YMMV.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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