Allies & Antagonists Free Sample (5th Edition) by Grim Press (@TheGrimPress)
“209% Funded in 24 hours! Join our Kickstarter Campaign here:
Allies & Antagonists was successfully funded! Final orders will be fulfilled by DriveThruRPG and include:
Over 200 Pages of Content
100 Non-player Characters (before stretch goals)
Lore, Art, and 5e Game Statistics for Every NPC
Professional Product Layout
PDF & Hardcover Print options
Created for the world’s greatest roleplaying game!
Note: The samples provided in this PDF represent early work for this project, and final production of Allies & Antagonists is expected to look much different than the free sample we are providing here — but the content will be similar!”
I’m so ridiculously excited for this Kickstarter! The Grim Press (@TheGrimPress) are phenomenal creators with the most truly transcendent takes on NPCs! I’ve said before & will say again “every one of them filled with enough flavour to grow an encounter, adventure, arc and/ or campaign”
The quality of the writing, lore, artwork and abilities is incredible and utterly inspiring! I need to see the full project so badly! This taste has me very, very excited indeed!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Silvasirenis caused me some concern with the wording and elements of the concept, which is inspired by the mythological siren. I raised these with Armstrong (@Grim_DM) and his response was truly encouraging and inspiring, welcoming my comments.
I am truly reassured knowing that this is but a sampler, with the project being committed to sensitivity consultants for the final product. It’s wonderful to see folx becoming more welcoming of critique, as well as the normalisation of sensitivity reading.
I have a great deal of faith in Armstrong, Allies & Antagonists, and the Adaptable NPCs series that precedes this mammoth project. The Adaptable NPCs series being some of my favourite and among the most beautiful in TTRPG supplements.
The series is firmly in my Eternal Pantheon of the bestest things in TTRPGs!
See my previous in-depth review of the Adaptable NPCs series that precedes this
Adaptable NPCs 2
Truly an incredible tome full of every kind of NPC, BBEG & BFF from the lowliest vagabond and deserter, through warriors, mages, heroes, Demons and Devils of every stripe, flavour, setting and magnitude, all the way to an Archfiend, Deity, their minions, messengers, champions and dark lords; every one of them filled with enough flavour to grow an encounter, adventure, arc and/ or campaign.
Full review:
Adaptable NPCs of the Guild
Since my discovery of this series with the release of Adaptable NPCs II I have been completely spellbound and this latest entry has somehow defied logic and physics by improving on perfection! I have said before that each of the NPCs contained within any of these books could inspire a side trek, adventure or an entire campaign, and while this holds true, the sheer beauty and detail in this latest instalment is quite frankly absurd. Is it possible to be angry with a thing for being too wonderful?
Full review:
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