This module is both well written and very enjoyable. I have played this module at twice Conquest 2021 over the Easter weekend, and one session was run by the author himself. I have not yet run this module as a DM myself, however I intend to do so.
The module is written in a way that tells the story to the dm, enables them to easily convey the story to the players in a cohesive manner and is mechanically interesting. The characters within the module have their intents and interactions well detailed, which leads to them being very easy to role play. The combats as written were incredibly well-balanced at both Average and Very Strong scaling, though the last combat was quite challenging at Average.
The bonus objectives flow very well into the main objectives; I couldn't tell where they diverted from the main story. The game in Bonus Objective B was particularly fun and had some interesting mechanics, as did the final combat encounter in the main storyline.
I highly recommend both playing and running this module nad must commend Robert for his efforts on such a well-written module.