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CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall $3.41
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CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
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CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Karianne F. H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2024 13:58:18

A nice Feywild Jaunt, including a balance between exploration, combat and social. The adventure feels very complete when running in two hours, and it's worked out well for me having run it a few times by now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/05/2021 21:34:46

One of the most well researched and well written Fey theme modules, withl real in-depth attention to lore and details.

Having both played and run it multiple time, this is honestly one of the most fun modules to run. The Deep feeling of the chaotic nature of the Fey and the enemies, puzzles and encounters are well adjusted and balanced, the choice of creatures are some of the best choices for a DM to flex there combat abilities, as well as challenge the party. Every time this module has run, especially the final combat, the situation changes and is always suprising or different based on the party, or how it the events unfold.

Also a great Archfey has joined the Pantheon of the fey, along with other delightful NPCs. Artwork is beautiful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brendon W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2021 17:27:35

I'd been intending to DM this module ever since playtesting it and finally got a chance to do so last night and myself and my players had a great time. The adventure is full of rich storytelling opportunities in both it's settings and it's cast of characters. The combat challenges have interesting wrinkles that make them memorable and the adventure provides many opportunities for exploration, problem solving and role playing.

The DMs Guild package also includes some really beautiful maps and artwork which makes the adventure easy to run online or in person.

We ran roughly to time, doing the bonus content and finishing in just under 4 hours, but I think there's lots of opportunities as a DM to take this and expand it into a wider reaching adventure over multiple sessions if you're running this with a set group or in a non-AL setting where you want to turn this into a larger story arc. The module feels part of something much larger waiting to be explored and I hope Robert continues to release more in the future.

All in all I loved this adventure and will very likely run it again at some point in the future and would be happy to play it any time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MELB-01 A Single Tearfall
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Charles T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/07/2021 09:23:00

This module is both well written and very enjoyable. I have played this module at twice Conquest 2021 over the Easter weekend, and one session was run by the author himself. I have not yet run this module as a DM myself, however I intend to do so.

The module is written in a way that tells the story to the dm, enables them to easily convey the story to the players in a cohesive manner and is mechanically interesting. The characters within the module have their intents and interactions well detailed, which leads to them being very easy to role play. The combats as written were incredibly well-balanced at both Average and Very Strong scaling, though the last combat was quite challenging at Average.

The bonus objectives flow very well into the main objectives; I couldn't tell where they diverted from the main story. The game in Bonus Objective B was particularly fun and had some interesting mechanics, as did the final combat encounter in the main storyline.

I highly recommend both playing and running this module nad must commend Robert for his efforts on such a well-written module.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hi Charles Thanks for your lovely review. I'm glad you enjoyed it and think your Average session was probably more challenging because it was me running it and I'm hyper familiar with the creatures capabilities by this point- sorry about that! Thanks, Robert
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