This is part three of Gavin Norman's B/X Essentials project. This is a 're-telling' as he calls it rather than a clone or re-working. He has taken B/X to pieces and has done a fantastic job of editing it for clarity nto a series of booklets. Each book posseses the really important things you need to play, designed on single or double page spreads so the flipping back and forth to find stuff is kept to a minimum. He's got some great artists onboard too. So far there are three books: the core rules and procedures, classes and equipment and this, the latest one: cleric and magic user spells. The monsters book is next. The idea is that these books will work alongside other B/X based systems as well as forming a coherent rules set on their own. In my opinion, Gavin has set a new standard for clarity. But more inspiring than that, is the community he has built up, to support the project and the way he really listens to, and takes on board, suggestions and positive criticism. One day, all rpgs will be written this way! Check it out.