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Glitch: A Story of the Not
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Cameo B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2020 03:59:36

Glitch is easily my favourite of Jenna Moran's RPGs so far, and I was already quite fond of Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine. The central conceit -- you have developed a violent metaphysical allergy to an aspect of reality, and reality contrives to pull you into contact with that aspect with steadily increasing force and improbability -- is very easy to build characters around or retrofit onto existing characters. It makes a robust metaphor for chronic illness and disability, all the more so if you choose something mundane like Sleep or Slipperiness to bedevil your character, but with the promise of amazing void powers and an inability to stay dead in exchange for the indignity and inconvenience of your Bane interfering with your life.

Which makes it sound kind of gloomy, but that's usually not the case; if you want to focus on your characters' pain and tragedy you definitely have the option to do so, but from the example of play in the rulebook onward, every Glitch game I've ever witnessed or played in had a darkly comedic tone revolving around the protagonists' hilariously ill-fitting solutions to problems both ordinary and supernatural. The first time I used the spotlight mechanic, an incredibly handy system in which you can request a few times per chapter that a detail be elaborated upon, ask for a push in the right direction, hang additional narrative weight upon an action or a few other things in that vein, I spent it on giving an origami hat to a passerby's dog for no particularly good reason except to draw attention away from the vaguely suspicious behaviour of one of the other PCs. I feel this is illustrative.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glitch: A Story of the Not
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