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Glitch: A Story of the Not
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2020 16:11:33

Dr. Moran's newest work, Glitch, draws on the formula of diceless, philosophy-heavy design found in Nobilis and Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine to produce a system perfectly designed to capture the experience of playing, just, an absolute mess of a person with deep-rooted social and psychological problems and also a supernatural mandate to kill the world. The player characters of Glitch are people acausally connected with the land before time and the void before the world, imbued with its essence and violently opposed by their very nature to the fabric of Creation around them, and boy do they suck at being all of those things. It's an incredibly resonant experience as a marginalized person - someone surviving problems of gender and disability especially - under late capitalism.

The system itself is an excellent work of setting-driven design; it adapts many of the mechanics that worked best in Nobilis and draws on the more general system of CMWGE, but its best points are where it goes out of its way to highlight the experience of living as one of the Glitched with things like character design that disincentivizes having the ability to do any kind of professional work, or the fact that characters can recover, in part, from the damage they inflict on themselves in order to succeed by explicitly choosing to fail at actions and disappoint the people around them. Mechanics like the cost and spotlight systems force the player to empathize with the pain of the Excrucians, while at the same time, the lore and setting writing do the legwork of laying out exactly why they are the way that they are and paint an astonishingly beautiful picture of their beings.

Glitch's biggest weakness is frankly that, although part of its conceit is that the player characters are retired Excrucians - that they are no longer in a grand war against the world, and that the intended topic of the game is how they learn to live with themselves in their abstinence - it's entirely too tempting to try to hack it to do otherwise. (I eagerly await the publication of Nobilis 4th edition and potentially other books in the same setting which will offer more character options.)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glitch: A Story of the Not
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