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To Undo the Glue $3.95
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To Undo the Glue
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To Undo the Glue
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Sam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/10/2021 15:27:36

To Undo the Glue is practically a metaphor for the subjects that it treats: love and relationships. It’s a light hearted adventure on its surface, which masks the deeper and more troubling elements hidden within from outside observation. The plot as announced is simple, meaning that the players should be able to understand their objective clearly. However, there are several layers that can be used at the DMs discretion to add extra depth, depending on the tone that they wish to give the adventure. The goal is clear: a local noble has managed to get their hands stuck together and needs the party to find a source of the wish spell to get them unglued. Rumour has it that a nearby church has a djinn that might be able to help out. The bulk of the adventure is therefore centred around the exploration of this church, trying to find out if the rumours are true and gain the help of the djinn, which may lead to them uncovering other secrets.

The adventure is quite open in its flow. Each area of the church is described, with it’s NPCs, dangers, hidden objects and all that you need to run it, and the characters are free to explore it as they see fit. This empowers the players, but also places a lot of the story progression on their shoulders. It is up to them to put together the different pieces of the puzzle, and understand the different relationships and plots. There is some leeway provided with the main plot of finding and freeing the djinn, with various substitutes for the puzzle provided, and a few extra clues that they can pick up, which should help the DM move the story forward if things start to get bogged down.

There is also a very intricate and more subtle subplot which runs through the adventure. This is about saving Donia, the most obvious opposition, from her current abusive relationship, and by doing so gaining a valuable ally. Unravelling this plot requires your players paying careful attention to what is happening and picking up on the clues that aren’t quite as spelled out as those of the main plot. This serves to reward the players for thorough investigation, but also plays into the more meta theme of the story, where the abuse can be easily ignored despite the fact that the clues are there.

There are also a lot of elements to like beyond the story itself. Stat blocks are integrated as needed into the adventure, as well as being in an annex at the end. The art style with the stained glass aesthetic is just beautiful, and there is even a playlist with custom music to set the ambiance. Combat is limited, but what there is is well executed, and the addition of wandering encounters that fit within the story rather than just a random encounter table is an excellent addition that I wish we would see more of. The overall quality of the adventure is just really high, and my only real complaints are that the DMs map is slightly hard to read in some areas and that there’s no description of Sune, which are really minor problems overall.

This is an adventure that won’t be to every groups tastes. While it can be played as a quite light hearted and jokey investigation, it requires patience and careful investigation to get everything out of it. This is the sort of adventure that pushes forward what we expect from RPG narrative. The author has taken risks here, and when you take risks then not everything is perfect, but that doesn’t stop To Undo the Glue being an amazing scenario. In optimal circumstances this is a deep and thought provoking story, while under normal conditions it’s still a fun and breezy story with a well thought out investigation segment.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
To Undo the Glue
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Isaac M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/02/2020 01:49:51

Another good thing that came out of the RPG Writer Workshop.

To Undo the Glue is a bit goofy and light-hearted, which is totally fine. A different take on D&D adventures. The stained glass artwork that decorates the adventure is interesting to look at. The adventure gives an easy hook for player characters to be grasped by the story. It's filled with interesting cast of characters, which I have to say, my favorites are the djinni and the genasi. And the addition of a special playlist in this adventure is so cool.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
To Undo the Glue
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/24/2020 18:19:58

To Undo the Glue by Alex Niederberger (@soundsofbones)

This is my short, sweet review. I’d love to return and give this the in depth treatment it so thoroughly deserves in the future!

This is why reviewing D&D and TTRPG supplements never gets old! This is why the RPG Writer Workshop is so important, exciting and bloody brilliant!

A truly thoughtful and goofy adventure in all the best ways that shows the light in the Dark, appearances and motivations can be deceiving, and you better wish you don’t get yourself stuck together with sovereign glue.

Hooks on hooks on hooks for backgrounds and more, absolutely gorgeous stained glass artwork from Eli Depper, a thematic soundtrack and a church that won’t half give you grief.


As always, huge thanks to my partner Hannah Renea Bumgarner who is constantly supportive. Also thanks to Ashley Warren for the RPG Writer Workshop and Scribemind communities! Writing,Maps,Music. Alex Niederberger, (@soundofbones on Twitter) Cover,SpotArt,Borders.Eli Depper, (stainedglasshoard on Tumblr) Template.Nathanaël Roux, ( Editing.Lucas McLeod, Erin Niederberger Playtesting.Hannah Renea Bumgarner, Jessica D. Garland, Jason Ghiglieri, Moor McKenna, Kate O’Donnell, Abigayle Scadden

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[5 of 5 Stars!]
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